December 2021

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful picture-postcard-pretty Bitterroot Valley!  Join me this morning with your cup of coffee as I begin today’s Christmas message.  My sweet house-mate Coco received a call last week that her father in Spokane had fallen and wasn’t doing well.  She immediately began making preparations to go see him.  Along with a friend, they encountered transmission problems and experienced delay. 

Between my schedule with having a Christmas dinner a week early, followed the next day with a dinner/meeting for 20 guests, Coco chose to take Greyhound for transportation.  Complications occurred in traffic on Look Out Pass and she received “the call” . . . her father had already passed.  My compassion for Coco wreaked havoc when I received her text, knowing that I wasn’t there to place my arms around her and tell her how sorry I was.  Not only for her loss, but for any guilt she may place upon herself unnecessarily.

I can be a cup half-full or a cup that runneth over for the majority of my days, but a reminder today sucks the wind right out of those sails.  This spiritual message of awareness touched me deeply and I thought I should share it with all of you.

During this busy time of year, please remember:  Someone you know is preparing for their first Christmas without their husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son or grandchild.  Others are preparing for their last.  Regardless of the specifics, remember that this season of joy is often times a season of sorrow for many.  BE KIND, BE GENEROUS, GIVE LOVE, GIVE HELP; IF NOTHING ELSE, JUST DON’T GIVE PEOPLE A HARD TIME.

No one is without challenges in these times.  Unless your heart is stone, you are feeling the pain of humanity in many forms.  Our world has a blanket of darkness over it, testified by information being revealed nationally globally, and individually from those who contact me for prayer and healing.  Being the little “opti-mystic” instrument for God – I have to tell you that what is occurring IS THE END TIMES:  THE END OF EVIL ON OUR PLANET and their time is just about up!  It is difficult to see the beauty of forthcoming events right now, but I know how this story turns out.

In dreams and visions, God is showing me that all you little ol’ light-workers/God-Lovers are making a difference – having been prepared for such a time as this.  If you thought you were busy before, well . . . you are going to be most-needed in the days to come.  These statements are not here to frighten you, they are here to encourage you.  Your spirit has been prepared. 

As a nosey-wanna-know-the-end-of-a-book-before-I-start-reading-it-kinda-gal and only getting info from the Divine on an “as-need-to-know-basis,” I could be experiencing some doubts and lack of clarity, myself.  But, as long as I remain peaceful and LISTEN, I have everything I need (usually before I know I need it!)

Because I am a spiritual healer or have a Direct Connection to God does not make me immune to human problems.  Since July, I have walked with my son through three major surgeries.  Getting Covid, then the vaccine, he had a surgery to have his colin removed suggesting pre-cancerous cells.  A second surgery rebuilt him, removing the bag.  A third surgery opened him up, unable to do what they anticipated to help him . . . and they just re-sewed him and sent him home.  (I did playfully suggest that the doctors should just put a zipper in him to make the process easier!  I apologize OFTEN for my warped sense of humor.)

On his first surgery, looking at my son’s face contorted in pain, I took the pain from him.  I TEACH IN WRITINGS AND WORKSHOPS NOT TO DO THIS.  But, as an empath, I didn’t follow my own advice.  I said my good-byes to him at his bedside and took two steps out the front door of the hospital.  My thoughts said, “Oh my God!  I am going to die . . . I don’t even know if I can make it home.”  God Willing, I did, but it was one of the worst days of my life, suffering and unable to burn it off while driving through traffic and back to the Bitterroot.

Arriving home and able to quiet myself to do the inner work, I was all-better in just a few minutes.  I texted him and asked how he was doing and he said, “Much better.”  He had no idea of what I had done in his behalf, nor did he need to with God using me as an anonymous instrument.  What mattered to me was that I knew he was better, because I was and we are One.  When I no longer felt it, neither did he. 

You may be asking, “If you are a healer, why don’t you just heal him?”  This is a FREE WILL planet and I don’t have the right to just walk around healing everyone without their permission.  Their challenges may just be what catapults them to a new understanding or a stepping stone on their journey.  If I remove that, thinking I know what is better for someone else’s life – I could actually be doing a dis-service, rather than a service. 

It is important for people to ASK for help and for me to not just assume I’m doing a random act of kindness.  My son knows who I am and what I do.  He hasn’t asked me to help him.  Don’t think this isn’t hard for momma when I know the miracle possibilities!

On my son’s second surgery, the doctor discovered there was cancer and put him on chemo, which highly inflamed the first surgery’s rebuilding.  Chemo was stopped immediately, but not until he felt total exhaustion for all the trauma his body was experiencing.  As a mother and as a healer, the only thing I can do is to remain at peace and allow the process to be in God’s Hands.

I am so proud of my son’s acceptance, peace, and behavior with all his health challenges.  He doesn’t know, nor does he have to, that others and myself do keep him in prayer for his highest good.

My daughter’s father-in-law is suffering from cancer with the same issue as my son.  Undergoing chemo treatments that make him so ill and scheduled during Christmas week, as a family . . . we chose to have Christmas dinner a week early so he can enjoy it, too.  Last Saturday, we watched him eat and enjoy the lovely meal.  He left early to rest, but the look on his face as he ate, was worth our decision.

Last Saturday night, following the meal, I returned home and turned on the dishwasher to run the dishes I’d used to prepare the foods I was taking to the meal.  I had Coco and a guest of hers in the living room.  As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed tiny droplets of water scattered on my flooring.  My first thought was that Coco and Casie had dropped ice cubes and not being picked up, had melted.  I wiped up the water and a few minutes later, I re-entered the kitchen and saw many more.  I called the girls into the kitchen and showed them I had a problem.  Every step on my Purgo flooring had little bubbles of water oozing up from the floor boards.

The following day, I had 20 guests arriving for a dinner meeting.  Being exceptionally organized this year, I had baked and cooked for five days straight.  Rum cakes had been delivered to the businesses downtown and 15 large cookie platters had been delivered to neighbors and friends.  All the preparations, decorations, and the food for the early Christmas dinner and for the dinner party had been prepared so I could enjoy the events, as well. 

Thirteen months ago, my icemaker leaked unknowingly and flooded my kitchen floor.  Now, I felt like I was experiencing deja vu and wasn’t very excited to re-live it!  I said a few bad words and went to bed to have a chat with God.  “I have lost my inner peace, God.  I am fried!  I want a Healing Center for Humanity and get disturbed with home maintenance – what in the hell am I thinking?”  I let ‘er rip with God, whining and testifying to total frustration. 

He then reminded me ever-so-gently, “If you think YOU are doing any of your life as a human personality, you have every right to feel frustrated and overwhelmed.  It is your first indication that you are trying to do it humanly on your own.  When you remember that I AM doing it through you and we are a team, feeling My peace and LISTENING, I guide you through it to do things right the first time.”

I slept like a baby and had a vision in my mind’s eye as I was awaking.  A beautiful pure white long-stemmed flower unfolded its petals and a missile of white blasted out of it at Mach speed and the petals gently closed again. 



not outside of us — that we have to draw to us.

Our needs are just awaiting their expression in our lives.

            My dinner party was a huge success, feeding my guests on paper plates rather than on Christmas china.  Twenty guests were reduced in number to eight due to weather-related travel.  They ate on TV trays and folding chairs in my living room rather than a dining table and no one cared.  The loving, enlightening conversations were filled with sharing, sorrow, truth and depressions that needed to be expressed.  An abundance of spiritual and physical food nourished our minds, hearts, souls, and spirits.

            Yesterday, I called my insurance agent.  I had just paid my house insurance bill last month for $1,400.00 and now I was going to be paying $1,000.00 deductible to get this water damage taken care of . . . days before all the holidays.  But I made the call and had the “speeding bullet” vision unfolding right before my eyes.  At such a busy time of year, everyone who called or came to rescue me unfolded the next step.  Everyone made it feel like it was their loving priority to get this taken care of and through it all, I am peaceful, accepting, and actually joyful.

            The truth be told, I was disappointed with the flooring that was installed 13 months ago.  Although it was beautiful, it was being scratched with my rolling chairs in the dining room.  A friend, as a Christmas gift to me, had my living room furniture professionally upholstery cleaned.  My home takes a lot of wear and tear from grandkids and the public I invite into it.  God knew I was disappointed and I don’t need to humanly question why this deja vu occurred.  He doesn’t want us to “settle-for” or be disappointed.  We are His kid and a joint heir to His inheritance!

            In fact, by sticking my neck out here on the line – I am going to share how I really feel 2022 will be.  There is so much abundance awaiting us.  The hammering and division of our people and our nation has not been for nothing.  We are on the fast train to awakening and experiencing such profound wonderful things that seem unimaginable right this second if you aren’t in a peaceful state of mind. 

I know that each of us are surrounded with someone you know who is preparing for their first Christmas without their husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son or grandchild.  Others are preparing for their last.  Regardless of the specifics, remember that this season of joy is often times a season of sorrow for many.  BE KIND, BE GENEROUS, GIVE LOVE, GIVE HELP; IF NOTHING ELSE, JUST DON’T GIVE PEOPLE A HARD TIME.

There are also those who are suffering from stress and unnecessary expenses, large or small, along with the frustrations of others not caring to help get things taken care of effortlessly and easily.  My gift to each of you here today is the awareness of how to restore your peace of mind and to know that He is willing to take care of it through you.

Personally speaking, I know grief by its first name.  When my precious Coco returns from Spokane, I will be gentle and loving with her.  I remember how it felt, as if it was yesterday, how grief places a fog over your brain and you can’t think straight.  I remember every step of it clearly.  I will be patient, I will hold her physically, in my heart, and in my prayers.

The gift of this column from Him – to me – to you — is just one of many, many more to come . . . Merry Christmas everyone!  And, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  We each hope and pray for joy, health, prosperity, and peace for one another and all we have to do is claim it . . . and to BE IT.

Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”)