January, 2024

Happy New Year and greetings and good afternoon from the frosty, beautiful Bitterroot Valley.  It is picture-perfect-postcard gorgeous here!  I told my daughter last month that I was thinking of moving to a warmer climate, but hesitate since I’m getting older and don’t want to make things complicated for her as I age.  She responded, “Momma, you move where you want and live your life where you would be happy.  If things change and you needed me, I’ll move you back to Montana and maybe you’ll be senile and forget how much you hate the cold.”  Whatta kid, eh?!

            I hope you all had wonderful holidays surrounded by friends and family.  I also hope you are ready for some great positive changes for humanity.  I don’t know if you can feel it like I do, it’s “in the air” of great good for the collective.  Can you FEEL IT?!  It is exciting! 

            I was going to add just then, “we all signed up for this exciting time in the evolution of consciousness for humanity” and I giggled to myself.  Not everyone is on the same wave length and I understand.  One of my local members for the group I host monthly here in Stevensville was muttering under his breath at my garage sale.  It was like he forgot that my two friends and myself were even sitting there and overhearing him mumble. 

            He sat with folded hands, looking down towards his lap as he began softly muttering aloud.  “Spiritual people have told me that I signed up for this.  But I don’t recall agreeing to have a lesbian daughter whom I will never be able to walk down the aisle and I’ll never get grandkids.  It isn’t bad enough that she left that woman and is now marrying a different one because I won’t get to walk her down the aisle for this wedding either.  I don’t remember signing up for this and maybe I’m just not spiritually evolved enough to understand this shit.” 

            I get it!  It is difficult to believe that I “signed up” for some of the things that I’ve experienced, too.  Nevertheless, it has all led me to now and WOW, I feel like we are sitting on the precipice of the long-promised New World of a higher consciousness.

            For the last few weeks, my understanding has increased of how I will be teaching in the days to come.  As spiritual seekers, we throw the word, “Oneness” into conversations…but do we truly understand the immensity of that word?

            Using myself as an example, two months ago, I was undergoing a great lesson with a long-time friend who wasn’t demonstrating integrity with me.  He continued to promise to deliver my cords of wood, but never following through.  I paid for it more than a year ago and yet he delivered 210 loads pridefully to the Valley, living on my property freely, and delaying me repeatedly.  I was in a quandary.  I am not a victim, I am overcoming lifetime co-dependency and people pleasing, but I really meditated and continued to assure myself that I wanted to handle the situation in a spiritual manner.

            I lost sleep.  I bit my tongue.  I swallowed my anger. I did all the human things we tend to do when we are in a spiraling cycle of disharmony.

            I shine and glitter on most days, but I can also sparkle and go to fire-cracker when push comes to shove.  When the situation is in my face and I get backed up against the wall, my iron fist can come out when I recall my boundaries.  I did it kindly, without anger or any further frustration that I would hurt his feelings.  I expressed the truth, “Since you can’t put me first, I will.  I am asking you to vacate my property.”

            In my fear of not having wood on the ground, I took a walk into my back yard.  Instead of placing my thoughts on not having wood – I took a look around at the small amount I had left from last year.  I focused my full attention on what I DO HAVE, rather on what I don’t have.  I affirmed the Truth, “I don’t depend upon man, nor earth, to sustain me.  I depend on Infinite Spirit’s love.”

            Within an hour, I received a call from a member of my monthly gathering.  She asked if I would be home later that day so she and her husband could stop by.  I told her I was available any time that day.  I received a call from another member who said he had gone into my backyard following the last Gathering and noticed that I had some wood that needed split, offering to come over and do it for me.  I received a call an hour later from one of my Miracle Healing Ministry Board of Directors in California.  She mentioned that I had a check waiting for me at the Post Office…she had already mailed me a large donation to pay for my wood this year.  Bing/Bang/Bong.

            Raylene and Walter arrived at dark with a truckload of wood to surprise me, Mike split my wood, and Linda paid for it.  All that occurred because God already knew before me that He had it covered.  My mantra, for years, has been “I have everything I need, usually before I know I need it.”

            As a human, I sometimes tend to get caught in the drama of daily living and I attempt to be gentle with my reminders of why healing occurs through me.  When we think, “If I have wood….that would be good.  If I don’t have wood…that would be bad.”  The good and bad keeps me trapped in the human state of consciousness of duality.  When I realized that everything I need is already within me and just needs to express itself outwardly, without the judgments of good and bad, the solution was met.  If I look to “outside myself” for anything or trying to direct whom my good comes through, I am setting up resistance.  I have to go within or I will go without.

            Human good.  Everyone encourages that behavior.  (It is more fun to be around than bad behavior, right?!  Maybe….and maybe not if you are attempting to live in a spiritually conscious atmosphere.)  I have expressed human goodness throughout my life and its reward is appreciation from people, but it doesn’t advance me spiritually-speaking.  Oh sure, people like me when they get what they want and when they don’t, I’m a dirty bird in their eyes and opinion.  I have to remember that only God is GOOD to rise above the human good and bad judgments and therein lies Oneness.  God Is.

            Nothing is set in stone for our 2024, it is a to-each-their-own consciousness expanding experience.  In my humble opinion, I believe that grounding will be one of our most valuable assets, especially if the energies start becoming overwhelming.

            We have each been prepared for this time, ramping up in 2024 to sparkle even more in 2025!

            When people contact me to heal them or their loved ones,  they are requesting from a trained human state of consciousness “to fix the problem,” to change it from illness to health (like I’m a medical doctor, which I am NOT.)  Of course, that can happen and we call it a miracle…but if we are just exchanging a human illness into human health, we are still in the duality of the human state of consciousness.  Health, on the pendulum of duality can soon swing back into another illness.  We have to rise above the pairs of opposites to the spiritual state of consciousness, which allows His Grace to eradicate the impersonal thought form from the collective mortal mind to reflect the Divinity/Oneness within their soul.

            Wow, that was a mouthful…I will have to work on that before I teach a class on this information!

            When I was five-years old, sitting in the front pew of our small-town church in South Dakota, listening to the Minister speak…I knew that what he was saying was false.  Even as a child, it didn’t resonate with me.  I looked at the picture of Jesus on the wall before me and I knew that He knew that I wasn’t buying the message that morning.  At age 14, I walked away from organized religion, never believing there was a devil.  Perhaps I came in from a past life with the strengths of being a spiritual healer and just needed to be reminded?

            In my first workshop in Spokane in 1995, I asked the audience to write names of loved ones (or enemies) on an envelope to send home with me, offering “job security” of having someone to love.  When I returned home, I placed those envelopes on my chest and rubbed my hands together and prepared to open myself to the Presence of God.  I heard Him speak, “Gloria, you are NOT healing 500 people today, you are healing ONE BELIEF THAT THERE IS A POWER IN OPPOSITION TO ME.”  In that moment of healing my mind of the belief in a good power overcoming a bad power of illnesses of those I held on my heart, I felt the shift in my awareness.  I felt the Power and Presence of God as it revealed the perfection across the miles to those who were open and receptive.

            I find myself, daily, no longer looking for human good in any form, nor trying to dispel darkness or bad human behavior.  I stay in my own lane.  I mind my own business.  I haven’t watched Mainstream News since 2020, but I no longer watch Independent Journalists on the computer.  I go within with my Direct Contact and He lets me know everything I need to be aware of in my personal bubble.  I am at peace with myself and with my world.

            When I see good in any form of people being kind and loving, the gratitude goes to God, for ONLY He is GOOD (without an opposite.).  My Oneness with God constitutes my Oneness with all spiritual beings, creations, and ideas.  I find myself attracting what is meant for my highest good, without a polar opposite experience/lesson.  Life is so much easier on the Mystical Path!

            A dear elder friend sent me a handwritten Christmas greeting on the back of a piece of paper.  There was a one-liner on the back, with no credit to who had written these words.  Regretfully, I can’t give credit to the author of the words…but regardless, I must share them with you today for their importance in your 2024:

The God who spoke the world into being, who split the Red Sea, who raised

Jesus from the dead, is the same God living in every person belonging to Him.

I am praying His power works mightily in you today…

            To complete this column today, I am reminded of a small piece of paper I handed out at my workshops in my beginning years.  We are taught to Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added.  We are then guided to the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is within.  For years, I have taught people how to go within.

            The simple words on my hand-out said, “Don’t seek health and things.  Seek Oneness and you’ll have health and things.  Herein, my friends, is the key to open the doors to your Spiritual Consciousness, allowing His Power to be realized through you…  Happy New Year!  Are YOU ready (and willing) for it to be HAPPY?!

            Until next month, take care…I care…

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

December 2021

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful picture-postcard-pretty Bitterroot Valley!  Join me this morning with your cup of coffee as I begin today’s Christmas message.  My sweet house-mate Coco received a call last week that her father in Spokane had fallen and wasn’t doing well.  She immediately began making preparations to go see him.  Along with a friend, they encountered transmission problems and experienced delay. 

Between my schedule with having a Christmas dinner a week early, followed the next day with a dinner/meeting for 20 guests, Coco chose to take Greyhound for transportation.  Complications occurred in traffic on Look Out Pass and she received “the call” . . . her father had already passed.  My compassion for Coco wreaked havoc when I received her text, knowing that I wasn’t there to place my arms around her and tell her how sorry I was.  Not only for her loss, but for any guilt she may place upon herself unnecessarily.

I can be a cup half-full or a cup that runneth over for the majority of my days, but a reminder today sucks the wind right out of those sails.  This spiritual message of awareness touched me deeply and I thought I should share it with all of you.

During this busy time of year, please remember:  Someone you know is preparing for their first Christmas without their husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son or grandchild.  Others are preparing for their last.  Regardless of the specifics, remember that this season of joy is often times a season of sorrow for many.  BE KIND, BE GENEROUS, GIVE LOVE, GIVE HELP; IF NOTHING ELSE, JUST DON’T GIVE PEOPLE A HARD TIME.

No one is without challenges in these times.  Unless your heart is stone, you are feeling the pain of humanity in many forms.  Our world has a blanket of darkness over it, testified by information being revealed nationally globally, and individually from those who contact me for prayer and healing.  Being the little “opti-mystic” instrument for God – I have to tell you that what is occurring IS THE END TIMES:  THE END OF EVIL ON OUR PLANET and their time is just about up!  It is difficult to see the beauty of forthcoming events right now, but I know how this story turns out.

In dreams and visions, God is showing me that all you little ol’ light-workers/God-Lovers are making a difference – having been prepared for such a time as this.  If you thought you were busy before, well . . . you are going to be most-needed in the days to come.  These statements are not here to frighten you, they are here to encourage you.  Your spirit has been prepared. 

As a nosey-wanna-know-the-end-of-a-book-before-I-start-reading-it-kinda-gal and only getting info from the Divine on an “as-need-to-know-basis,” I could be experiencing some doubts and lack of clarity, myself.  But, as long as I remain peaceful and LISTEN, I have everything I need (usually before I know I need it!)

Because I am a spiritual healer or have a Direct Connection to God does not make me immune to human problems.  Since July, I have walked with my son through three major surgeries.  Getting Covid, then the vaccine, he had a surgery to have his colin removed suggesting pre-cancerous cells.  A second surgery rebuilt him, removing the bag.  A third surgery opened him up, unable to do what they anticipated to help him . . . and they just re-sewed him and sent him home.  (I did playfully suggest that the doctors should just put a zipper in him to make the process easier!  I apologize OFTEN for my warped sense of humor.)

On his first surgery, looking at my son’s face contorted in pain, I took the pain from him.  I TEACH IN WRITINGS AND WORKSHOPS NOT TO DO THIS.  But, as an empath, I didn’t follow my own advice.  I said my good-byes to him at his bedside and took two steps out the front door of the hospital.  My thoughts said, “Oh my God!  I am going to die . . . I don’t even know if I can make it home.”  God Willing, I did, but it was one of the worst days of my life, suffering and unable to burn it off while driving through traffic and back to the Bitterroot.

Arriving home and able to quiet myself to do the inner work, I was all-better in just a few minutes.  I texted him and asked how he was doing and he said, “Much better.”  He had no idea of what I had done in his behalf, nor did he need to with God using me as an anonymous instrument.  What mattered to me was that I knew he was better, because I was and we are One.  When I no longer felt it, neither did he. 

You may be asking, “If you are a healer, why don’t you just heal him?”  This is a FREE WILL planet and I don’t have the right to just walk around healing everyone without their permission.  Their challenges may just be what catapults them to a new understanding or a stepping stone on their journey.  If I remove that, thinking I know what is better for someone else’s life – I could actually be doing a dis-service, rather than a service. 

It is important for people to ASK for help and for me to not just assume I’m doing a random act of kindness.  My son knows who I am and what I do.  He hasn’t asked me to help him.  Don’t think this isn’t hard for momma when I know the miracle possibilities!

On my son’s second surgery, the doctor discovered there was cancer and put him on chemo, which highly inflamed the first surgery’s rebuilding.  Chemo was stopped immediately, but not until he felt total exhaustion for all the trauma his body was experiencing.  As a mother and as a healer, the only thing I can do is to remain at peace and allow the process to be in God’s Hands.

I am so proud of my son’s acceptance, peace, and behavior with all his health challenges.  He doesn’t know, nor does he have to, that others and myself do keep him in prayer for his highest good.

My daughter’s father-in-law is suffering from cancer with the same issue as my son.  Undergoing chemo treatments that make him so ill and scheduled during Christmas week, as a family . . . we chose to have Christmas dinner a week early so he can enjoy it, too.  Last Saturday, we watched him eat and enjoy the lovely meal.  He left early to rest, but the look on his face as he ate, was worth our decision.

Last Saturday night, following the meal, I returned home and turned on the dishwasher to run the dishes I’d used to prepare the foods I was taking to the meal.  I had Coco and a guest of hers in the living room.  As I walked into the kitchen, I noticed tiny droplets of water scattered on my flooring.  My first thought was that Coco and Casie had dropped ice cubes and not being picked up, had melted.  I wiped up the water and a few minutes later, I re-entered the kitchen and saw many more.  I called the girls into the kitchen and showed them I had a problem.  Every step on my Purgo flooring had little bubbles of water oozing up from the floor boards.

The following day, I had 20 guests arriving for a dinner meeting.  Being exceptionally organized this year, I had baked and cooked for five days straight.  Rum cakes had been delivered to the businesses downtown and 15 large cookie platters had been delivered to neighbors and friends.  All the preparations, decorations, and the food for the early Christmas dinner and for the dinner party had been prepared so I could enjoy the events, as well. 

Thirteen months ago, my icemaker leaked unknowingly and flooded my kitchen floor.  Now, I felt like I was experiencing deja vu and wasn’t very excited to re-live it!  I said a few bad words and went to bed to have a chat with God.  “I have lost my inner peace, God.  I am fried!  I want a Healing Center for Humanity and get disturbed with home maintenance – what in the hell am I thinking?”  I let ‘er rip with God, whining and testifying to total frustration. 

He then reminded me ever-so-gently, “If you think YOU are doing any of your life as a human personality, you have every right to feel frustrated and overwhelmed.  It is your first indication that you are trying to do it humanly on your own.  When you remember that I AM doing it through you and we are a team, feeling My peace and LISTENING, I guide you through it to do things right the first time.”

I slept like a baby and had a vision in my mind’s eye as I was awaking.  A beautiful pure white long-stemmed flower unfolded its petals and a missile of white blasted out of it at Mach speed and the petals gently closed again. 



not outside of us — that we have to draw to us.

Our needs are just awaiting their expression in our lives.

            My dinner party was a huge success, feeding my guests on paper plates rather than on Christmas china.  Twenty guests were reduced in number to eight due to weather-related travel.  They ate on TV trays and folding chairs in my living room rather than a dining table and no one cared.  The loving, enlightening conversations were filled with sharing, sorrow, truth and depressions that needed to be expressed.  An abundance of spiritual and physical food nourished our minds, hearts, souls, and spirits.

            Yesterday, I called my insurance agent.  I had just paid my house insurance bill last month for $1,400.00 and now I was going to be paying $1,000.00 deductible to get this water damage taken care of . . . days before all the holidays.  But I made the call and had the “speeding bullet” vision unfolding right before my eyes.  At such a busy time of year, everyone who called or came to rescue me unfolded the next step.  Everyone made it feel like it was their loving priority to get this taken care of and through it all, I am peaceful, accepting, and actually joyful.

            The truth be told, I was disappointed with the flooring that was installed 13 months ago.  Although it was beautiful, it was being scratched with my rolling chairs in the dining room.  A friend, as a Christmas gift to me, had my living room furniture professionally upholstery cleaned.  My home takes a lot of wear and tear from grandkids and the public I invite into it.  God knew I was disappointed and I don’t need to humanly question why this deja vu occurred.  He doesn’t want us to “settle-for” or be disappointed.  We are His kid and a joint heir to His inheritance!

            In fact, by sticking my neck out here on the line – I am going to share how I really feel 2022 will be.  There is so much abundance awaiting us.  The hammering and division of our people and our nation has not been for nothing.  We are on the fast train to awakening and experiencing such profound wonderful things that seem unimaginable right this second if you aren’t in a peaceful state of mind. 

I know that each of us are surrounded with someone you know who is preparing for their first Christmas without their husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son or grandchild.  Others are preparing for their last.  Regardless of the specifics, remember that this season of joy is often times a season of sorrow for many.  BE KIND, BE GENEROUS, GIVE LOVE, GIVE HELP; IF NOTHING ELSE, JUST DON’T GIVE PEOPLE A HARD TIME.

There are also those who are suffering from stress and unnecessary expenses, large or small, along with the frustrations of others not caring to help get things taken care of effortlessly and easily.  My gift to each of you here today is the awareness of how to restore your peace of mind and to know that He is willing to take care of it through you.

Personally speaking, I know grief by its first name.  When my precious Coco returns from Spokane, I will be gentle and loving with her.  I remember how it felt, as if it was yesterday, how grief places a fog over your brain and you can’t think straight.  I remember every step of it clearly.  I will be patient, I will hold her physically, in my heart, and in my prayers.

The gift of this column from Him – to me – to you — is just one of many, many more to come . . . Merry Christmas everyone!  And, HAPPY NEW YEAR.  We each hope and pray for joy, health, prosperity, and peace for one another and all we have to do is claim it . . . and to BE IT.

Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”)

October 2021

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  Before I start telling you what I’ve been up to this past month, I want to give a special thank you to a dear friend.  Carolyn Beasley (in Spokane.)  Every year since her healing through me in 1995, she has never once forgotten my birthday in October – or Christmas.

            I found myself anxious this year.  I hadn’t heard from her and feared she was ill.  My house-mate, Coco eased my concerns by saying, “Gloria, it is still two weeks away from your birthday, just be patient.”  Carolyn is always the first one who sends me a card, like clock-work.  Never once has she failed to remember, but this year – it wasn’t about me getting a card and her loving message inside it.  I realized that I used the card as a template of her well-being, even if it was only once or twice a year that I heard from her.

            I didn’t have access to technology for two months this summer, which is why I missed writing my columns.  But there was a great deal of time that my phones weren’t working either.  I have 7,000 emails to go through to find those who were trying to reach out to me in friend or stranger requests for help.  Please understand that I am always doing the best I can.

            You can’t even begin to imagine how many times I got snarky calls from friends, frustrated and angry with me, for “ignoring them or not caring.”  I apologized to each and did so lovingly, apologizing that the “Invisible Realm” was the cause . . . not me as a personality.

            You could question, “If you were so dadgum concerned about Carolyn’s well-being, why didn’t you just pick up the phone and call to check on her?  It would have been an appropriate thing to do, which would have eased my concerns quickly.  But, as easy and as simple as that sounds, it seemed there was a brick wall not allowing me to do so.

            To Carolyn Beasley today, this Tribute is to you personally.  Your heart may have been miraculously healed through me in 1995 . . . but because of that healing, I want you to know how many other people have been healed as a result.  Had that not occurred, LuAnn Stallcop would have never ventured to ask me to come be a guest speaker in Spokane, have me teach a workshop, or doing years of private healings every-other-weekend in Spokane for three years.  Without you, I wouldn’t be writing these columns.  Without that meeting, it would not have assisted in connecting consciousness across this nation (& International) for further workshops and healings.  Not to mention the miracle stories in book form that continue to inspire and heal the multitudes.

            Carolyn, stepping out into the public eye all began with you.  So, if that contact started the snowball rolling in every facet of my life and service to God and humanity, you might well understand how deeply I care for you.  Not just on my birthday and Christmas when we make brief contact, but nearly every day of my life, you are in my thoughts and you are FOREVER in my heart.   I know how much love for God, humanity, and me that you have.  You Willed your inspirational sayings to me to put into print and I vow to do so.  If you ever question your purpose on this planet, I just want you to know how much you have affected the world with your mere presence.  I love you now, I always will.  Thank you, your (most appreciated) birthday card arrived before October 5th, signed and sealed with your love.  ooxx

(A Men’s Spiritual Retreat Weekend in the rustic mountains in Montana)


Using the “Center of the Cinnamon Roll” as a metaphor, learn how to experience the best part of a spiritual union with your Creator and all other relationships.  Find yourself tucked away in a rustic cabin surrounded by pine trees and listening to a waterfall in the near distance.  Pack your bags and be Dr. Gloria’s guest on a three-day spiritual retreat in the Montana mountains.

Accept this personal invitation to the Spiritual Boot Kamp for a retreat of “basic (spiritual) training.”  For those out-of-touch with their feelings and needs, Dr. Glo-bug (Just here “to lighten things up”) is prepared to help you identify and get in touch with your innermost deepest Selves.  By doing so will transform your disappointments and heartache into achievable successes within your relationships and lives. 

Men, bring your favorite fishing pole to enjoy the stream behind the cabin in the great outdoors under Montana’s Big Sky.  Your restored solitude and peace are just one step closer to experiencing heaven on earth here in “God’s Country,” right here in Montana in the good ol’ U.S.A.

ISBN 0-9636100-4-X                  


Miracle Publishing & Distribution LLC

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.                                       

With me, even a simple experience can prompt an entire book to be written through me.  In the last two weeks, Roger R. Franklin, Co-Author and I wrote, “The Center of the Cinnamon Roll” to assist humanity at the “Spiritual Boot Kamp,” providing “basic Spiritual Training” in book form. 

After my husband died, I was invited to breakfast by a man. 

After looking at the menu, he picked up his newspaper and began reading it.  I excused myself to go to the Ladies Room and I pondered that I should just walk out the back door and walk back home.  I decided to return to the booth.

The waitress arrived, he put his paper down and ordered a cinnamon roll.  When the waitress placed his order before him, it happened to be the size of a dinner plate.

I asked, “Would you give me the center of your cinnamon roll?”

He barked, “NO!  IT’S THE BEST PART!”

“I know,” I responded, “would you share a bite of it with me?”

“No!” he exclaimed and he evidently meant it.  As he ate, he continued to read his newspaper.  I sat there thinking, “If I wanted to eat alone, I would have just stayed home.”

We finished eating and he still had some of the remnants on his plate and still wouldn’t offer me an opportunity to taste it.

As we were waiting for the bill to arrive, I said, “I want to use the cinnamon roll as a metaphor for a possible future relationship with you.  I asked, “Would you be willing to give me the center of your cinnamon roll?”

He barked, “NO!  IT’S THE BEST PART!”

I responded, “I know . . . and understand, but would you give me a bite of it?”  He therein responded, “No!”

Giving him the benefit of the doubt that he didn’t understand what “metaphor” meant, I slowly explained that I was using the cinnamon roll, itself, as being HIM AND HIS HEART.  In simple terminology, I was using it as a diagram of a healthy loving relationship.  He said he understood.

“So, what you are saying is that you aren’t willing to give me the best of yourself in a relationship together or even share a bite/a little bit of yourself.  “Pretty much I guess that’s what I am saying,” he responded.  It was evident that I didn’t want a relationship with this man.  He wasn’t even trying to win my heart.

I even went on to explain that who I am – if he had asked for a bite of the center of my cinnamon roll, I would offer not only it – but the entire thing.  I would be willing to give the best of myself to him in every way.  I gave him a third opportunity to change his tune and he still refused.  He was a bright man; he understood completely what I was getting at.  In one meal together, I had my answer.   The red flag was so glaring, I couldn’t ignore it.

As he paid for our breakfast, I thanked him kindly for feeding me at all.  I also related that if I ever chose to go to breakfast with him again and he picked up a newspaper instead of talking to me across the table, I would quietly disappear and he would never see me again.

Months later, he came to my home bringing a large cinnamon roll.  He sat eating the entire thing in front of me . . . never even asking if I would like a bite.  As he ate all around the center, he then pushed the to-go container in front of me, offering me the center of his cinnamon roll.

I kindly thanked him and pushed it back towards himself as I said, “A little too late.”

I had seen the truth up front long ago.  I think it’s wonderful that he finally “got it,” but my experience of opening my heart to someone who was that selfish, after such a loss of a great man – I was no longer willing to set myself up for an obvious disappointment       

For the Grand Opening of the Spiritual Boot Kamp (in book form), I am inviting the men in the world to come be my guest.  I am making them the priority, whether they are Veterans or not.  Men are our protectors in this world standing up for women and children, for our country, and for one another.   They are willing to go to war for our safety and freedom.  Even if they have not enlisted in the armed forces, they go to battle daily in jobs and within society to put a roof over their family’s heads and food on the table.  They deserve our utmost respect, to honor and to cherish them for their daily sacrifices and for their love.

            Our de-moralized civilization has taken the healthy, strong, dedicated Father figure out of context, mocking him in commercials, sitcoms, and movies . . . making him look foolish.  “They” have succeeded in feminizing many of them in their struggle to give women equal rights.  “Those” who have chosen their lane to destruct the family unit with media and advertising, making the leading men in our lives a laughing stock – I can just say that those days are over.  Beginning immediately to spiritualize our men will bring their human side into alignment with their spiritual nature.  Just watch and see the strength of the families return to morality and goodness, dissolving the insanity that has led to the decay.

         Not only have I brought the reader in my down-home/country voice (“Go Within or Go Without” style) to the Boot Kamp for basic spiritual training, I have documented my entire dream of a healing center into book form.  Coupled with the emotion I felt as if it is already real (because it is . . . I already do it in reality through my home,) the manifestation can unfold.

            I am awaiting approval from an another publisher on an 11-page insert that Roger used in one of his “Fireside Chat’s” in the book.  Once that approval is given, I have a “green light” to get this information to the masses. This book will be gifted freely to the world and will have a link in next month’s column.  The men, in this book, are the first to enjoy the Grand Opening of the Spiritual Boot Kamp Healing Center.  Thereafter, everyone has a personal invitation.  Stay tuned . . . next month, I have faith that a link will attach my column so you can freely download and enjoy.

            Until next month, take care . . .I care . . .

Always,   Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug (Just here “to lighten things up”)

To FREELY download “GUTS & GLORI(A)” – From Fear to Eternity, go to:


March, 2024

Greetings and good afternoon from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I hope your February was fun and you had a sweetheart (family, mate, friend, or child) who wanted to be your Valentine.  I bought New York steaks and took to a friend to celebrate the day.  When I finished my tour of pet sitting for my son that entire week, I returned home with gifts for my grandkids.

I called them over to my home to receive them.  One of the gifts was the latest Megalodon movie.  My youngest granddaughter loves movies about sharks.  Horribly disappointing, I have to admit that the best part of the movie with them was watching my 16-year-old grandson’s face while watching it.

The Megalodon was three football fields long.  In one scene, it jumped out of the shallow end of the ocean, landed on the beach, and ate a young woman walking her little dog.  Elias was sitting in the rocking chair across the room.  After the young lady became a snack-attack for the Meg, Eli’s head rolled slowly from the right, rotating to the left as his eyes rolled and caught up eye-to-eye with me.  Kathryn and I burst into laughter at brother’s face, as well as how hokey it all was.

Since then, however, I have imitated Elias’s head rotation and the rolling of the eyes.  It has been an effective tool on many occasions already.  I was at a political patriot-support meeting last week and was giving free lessons before the meeting started…paying particular attention to when the eye-rolling becomes most effective.  When you are speaking to any person who is asleep at the wheel, unaware of everything unfolding right before our eyes, it comes in handy. 

I know there are many people who are completely hypnotized and don’t hold them personally responsible, they are just not enlightened (yet.)  It is what it is.  For those of us who are holding the line spiritually, it can be frustrating if we allow it to be or we can just relax into the perfection of it all.

Being a spiritual teacher for over three decades and having miracles as the topic, you can’t imagine how many times I have also had to let people know that I don’t want to be placed on a pedestal.  If I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to state, “I am not special,” I could fund my own dream.  Today is no different.  I am not here to speak and have you think for a moment that I am more special than you are.  In fact, IT IS MY HOPE to relate how special I believe YOU ARE!

Being a spiritual healer since my children were toddlers, I can relate honestly that I took my daughter Danielle to the doctor once when she was a baby for an ear infection.  (That was before she turned three years old to teach me how to be a healer.)  I took my son, in high school to the doctor to take a fish hook out of his finger.  He also got a hernia and had surgery when I was in Providence, Rhode Island healing another woman’s child.

Our family never went the route of medical doctors the entire time I was raising children.  I remember I went once for a check-up and the doctor kept asking me questions about this, that, and the other if I had it wrong with me.  I kept responding, “No, nope, nadda,” and frustrated, I finally said, “You can stop asking me all those questions because there is absolutely nothing wrong with me!” 

I thought for a moment and then related, “Actually, I do have one thing that stands out in my mind that is unique that I am experiencing.”  She gave me her full attention as I stated, “I HUM ALL THE TIME!  I got out of bed in the middle of the night to tinkle….and I realized that I even hummed on my way back to the bed.”

She giggled and related her diagnosis, “Well, if you are THAT HAPPY, you won’t mind that I’m going to do the anal check next.”  My eyes must have widened as she projected the visual of what was upcoming and I barked, “I’m not that damned happy!”

I don’t dislike doctors; I just never had much use for them.  My paternal grandmother was an Osteopath and I highly respected her.  She charged $5 for an office visit and $7 for a house call to help her with her gas.  She never gouged people and understood the simpler things of life.

Months ago, after tiring of paying large medical payments on top of my Medicare  I dropped the policy of my supplemental insurance.  Five months later, I related that information to my daughter and she had a hissy fit.  She insisted that I replace it and go get a routine check-up.  (We take turns being the mom!)  I hadn’t been to a doctor, in her opinion, in 150 years and should promise to do so.   The loving look of love and concern in her eyes forced me to do so.

I got the insurance.  I called the Clinic and was told I would have a three month wait for the appointment.  As a courtesy, I insisted that if someone with an emergency need became necessary, they could reschedule me for my next lifetime…no rush.  My appointment was set for February 20th.

On February 19th, a 96-year-old man from California called me and he was almost breathless as he related how fortunate he felt that I would take his call.  The day prior, he had gone to his doctor for a well-check.  He was told that he had a heart disease and given a boatload of prescriptions.  They informed him that if he didn’t follow their protocol, he would be dead in four years.  He had read all the paperwork, listing the possible side-effects, and was near-ready to have a heart attack from the information.

After listening attentively to his situation, I said, “Lou, you have lived a great life and I cannot tell you not to take the medication.  I can tell you that if you go to a doctor, they surely will find something wrong with you.  I encouraged him to breathe and relax because I was going to start immediately to help him across the miles by healing the fear they had instilled in him with a “inadvertent hypnotic suggestion that (1) he had a heart disease and (2) that he only had four years to live.”  We continued our conversation and ended up laughing together that we would both keep breathing in and out (until we don’t.)  Neither he, nor I, fear death….

On the 20th; I showed up early for my appointment because I assumed I would have to take a long “test” before entering the examining room.  You know….the pages of question-after-question, wanting to know all your surgeries, identifying problems throughout your entire life, sibling info, etc.  I was right.  I completed the information and got weighed and my height taken.  Every time I ever went to a doctor in my life, they measure me to be 5’ tall.  I return home and re-check to see if I am growing or shrinking….I still measure out with my ruler to still be 4’11”.  My weight astounded me.  I weigh only 113 lbs!  I truly thought I was a baby hippo for months and even signed up at a gym.  When I discovered I am only 3 lbs. overweight, I rejoiced (and might even cancel my membership?)  Trust me, I do have that extra three pounds all in my butt, there are two asses back there and I won’t quit my membership!  I will let you know when I have succeeded.  (Hold on….I just rolled my eyes “as if you give a darn about my butt.”)

The doctor asked me what I had come in for and I replied, “(1) To honor my daughter’s suggestion, (2) I have a bump on my finger, which doesn’t hurt and I can still bend my finger, (3) I have an itch on my back 24/7.”  I also stated, “My daughter would like me to have a physical and I don’t know what all that entails, but I will tell you all the things I won’t commit to.”  The doctor asked, “And what would those be?”  I replied, “(1) A pap smear, (2) a mammogram, and (3) an up-the-crackers/Colonoscopy.”

She picked up my hand, looked at the bump on my finger, and stated that it is arthritis. Now aware what this bump is, as a healer, I am not trying to heal arthritis.  I am seeking only to feel the Presence of God within me, which will erase the suggestion and nullify the condition held in my mind from the collective consciousness.  She stated that the itch was from a tag and she could cut it out, but it would hurt and bleed a lot, and more-than-likely growing back.  (Never mind…but thanks…I will just take care of it.)

She got me to agree to a bone density test and a lung Xray “because I have smoked for 50 years.”  I have no shortness of breath or pain, nor cough (which I think astounds her), but I agreed to the tests because they can give her a baseline for me.  (I am not your average bear, however, and what they discover, if anything, will give me a baseline as well.)

I was playful, not a pill or a pain to her. 

Readers of this paper are more-than-likely the older generation.  We were raised to get plenty of sunshine filled with Vitamin D that makes us happy kids, (playing outside until dark,) we learned manners and respect, we had Sunday dinners and were involved with our schools, churches, and communities.  We are all different in our beliefs and limitations by the lifestyles we lived.  Whether we understand it completely or not, we all chose to enter these incarnations during this exciting time.

Being part of the collective consciousness, we harbor beliefs and suggestions & superstitions that were accepted as infants, youth, and now a maturing group.  I told you earlier I wanted you to know how special you are.  It is YOU who holds the power inside you to decide what beliefs you hold, which ones you allow to manifest, and which ones to release and never experience.  No one can do this for you.  Your day-to-day activities and experiences show you what they are.

You can be feeling great one day and BAM…out of the blue – something blasts you that you didn’t see coming.  But you are not a victim and you didn’t do anything “wrong” to make it happen.  You are part of the collective and it can be nullified with your acknowledgment of that Divinity that you are.

I have recently been paying extreme attention to how many commercials there are concerning drugs.  I never used to have that much time to invest in watching television.  The pharmaceutical companies are the biggest advertiser there is.  Listening to their side-effects could make me shake my head until it falls off my neck….but less painful, I think I will just ROLL MY EYES with Elias’s head roll…

What are your beliefs?  What ones do YOU choose to change?  Listen to your inner dialogue.  As an example…a friend calls and asks you to go somewhere.  You say yes and later, wish you would have said no.  You start fantasizing about calling to cancel and will just say, “I’m feeling sick…”  How soon…only time will tell…you find yourself sick because you put thought and intention into creating it.  Be conscious in your choices and decisions.

Acknowledgment of the power and presence of God within you activates it and the truth you hold does manifest.

A joke about the spiritual Guru Ram Dass came to mind several times today and I believe it has a great importance to be shared herein.  I loved his sense of humor when I heard him speak and I don’t know if it actually happened or if it is just a joke to help enlighten seekers of Truth?  “He was with a drug user who had some powerful hallucinogenic powers.  Ram Dass took the entire bottle of drugs and swallowed them.  The druggie was shocked and frightened that Ram Dass would over-dose and watched closely for the results and if a 911 call would need to be made.  Time passed and nothing occurred.  When the druggie asked him about it, Ram Dass replied, “If you’re already in Ohio….you don’t need a bus to take you there.”

Connecting with God IS the HIGH!  The ultimate high!  When you plug in to the power within you, you don’t need anything to get you there.  You search high and low, read your books, buy your crystals – which are only tools to play with and explore….but YOU, my friend, are the HIGH you are looking for.

I could have sat here at my computer and tried to sound brilliant or funny today….or given you my favorite recipes and it wouldn’t matter at all.  Because beyond all the limitations of trying to teach or speak or write…that higher consciousness is relating the Truth and inspiration you seek (without me even saying a word or rolling my eyes.)  As the higher consciousness unfolds effortlessly and easily, painlessly, peacefully, and perfectly in your days to come, recognize that your Soul has you on the path to enlightenment.  Pay attention to your beliefs, change the ones you don’t want and keep the ones you do.  Relax, breathe…

Until next month, take care…I care…

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”)

February, 2024

GOOD MORNING from the beautiful brr-ass cold Bitterroot Valley!  It is so gorgeous and, in all truth, I wouldn’t recommend coming here.  In jest, a few days ago, the temperature came up to 1 degree and I thought, “Wow!  It is warm enough to walk up the street to the mailbox and retrieve my mail.”  Now, isn’t that silly?  Also, I reconsidered, and didn’t do it. 

I don’t drive in this kind of weather because I am one of those people who don’t belong on the roads and I am fully aware of it.   But we have new arrivals in the area who don’t know how to drive on roads like these either.  Wherever you are, please be mindful and if you don’t need to be out in these sub-zero killer temperatures and horrid driving conditions…please stay home and safe!

Well, didn’t our new 2024 open with a BANG?!  Many of my callers in need seemed to have a dark cloud hanging above them and POURING down one calamity after another.  I have had three suicide calls come in and I have had my own personal dirt come up, as well.

During the holidays approaching, I was happy, Happy, HAPPY, absolutely bursting with love, good will, and cheer.  Immediately following the holidays, I fell flat on my face into deep despair.  I kept thinking of how I ended the January column by talking about the importance of experiencing ONENESS and it was like that was all I had to hold onto.  Dragging myself up out of the dark rabbit hole I had fallen into, I (like so many others) got to examine my belief system and how I assist in creating this reality for myself.  Blech!  It hasn’t been pretty!

Without going into gory detail about my trauma and drama, I will suffice it to say that it all led back to the word disrespect.  A loved one disrespected me unnecessarily (and unprovoked) on Christmas day and it completely destroyed my inner peace.  My resolution was “borrowed” off Facebook:  SELF LOVE is knowing your value.  SELF RESPECT is not settling for less.”

I have been a do-gooder my entire life.  If you are attempting to follow the example of Jesus, you love your neighbor (whether they are next door or in another country, right?!)  Daily, I was helpful and giving….being nauseatingly good at doing so, perhaps on occasion?

Bad things happen to good people and we see it continually, and wonder why?    Through my journey, I have learned that it isn’t human goodness that gets us anywhere, except usually kicked in the head and heart following.  Humans have been erroneously taught that their good deeds will get them into heaven.  Human nature takes.  Spiritual nature gives…so, WHY, if you are so giving…why do we still get emotionally wounded?

Also, the more spiritual I become, the more highly sensitive I get.  Am I supposed to feel blessed that I can feel an entire room of people at once, that I can taste whatever or whomever I touch?  My fingers have more tastebuds than my mouth.  My lips and cheeks can taste people by merely lightly touching the skin of another human.  I won’t leave you hanging, I promise to explain.

I was on Santa’s GOOD LIST and got the best gift, ever.  It was truly a kiss on the forehead from God.  I hadn’t seen my youngest grandchild for two years.  His momma is a traveling nurse and I was so homesick for him.  When he arrived on Christmas Day, he ran across the driveway and threw his arms around me in excitement to see me again.  I got the pleasure of getting to keep him for two nights in my home.

The first night, he slept on the hide-a-bed in the living room with his sister.  The second night I put him in bed with me down the hall away from the wood burning stove.  I didn’t want to cook him out of the room by needing to bank the fire for the extremely cold night.

During the night, he was a “heat seeking missile,” following my warmth.  In the morning, I was now lying on about 1” of the mattress, being on my side and nowhere else to move to.  I decided rather than changing sides of the bed, I would just get up and have a few quiet moments before he got up because the “spoiling” would soon begin.

I quietly rolled off the bed to my feet.  As I turned to get my glasses off the nightstand, his beautiful blue eyes popped open.  His first passionate words were, “Oh, Granny B!  I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” and his feet hit the floor as he flung his arms around me, holding me in a sincere hug.  Oh my God, his love filled me to the brim with gratitude of such a beautiful way to start my day.  This grandchild is a love bug.  He means it from the depths of his soul.  And, these are the key words and the feeling that touched the core of my soul.  It was God in Action.  Merry Christmas, Gloria, you just felt what it feels like to truly be on the “GOOD LIST!”

            After my grandson left, I took the DEEP DIVE into grief on so many levels.  I isolated for two weeks and felt like I would remain like this until my end days.  In that quiet time, I delved deeper into the unknown silence and discovered prayers to find unity with God in Oneness.  I found solace and was still able to help those who reached out across the miles.

            Doors of opportunity opened to experience God’s Grace in endless ways, which brings me to the fulfilment of today’s message to the readers.

            If you can recall a couple months ago, I wrote about members of CC who came to my rescue to bring me wood for the winter season.  Raylene and her husband, Walter, have since “adopted” me and I am forever grateful.  On several occasions, they have made my needs their priority and continued to refuse money in return or even a nice dinner out.  Walter said, “Gloria, this is just what friends do for one another and we are teaching you that lesson.”  I felt such deep gratitude, I wanted to express it to them and was being denied.  I couldn’t even find words to tell them how much it meant and how secure I felt that I had them in my life to do the things I am unable to do myself.

            In the silence, the understanding came.  Over the years as a healer, I met people who had received a death sentence and the miracle they were awaiting presented itself.  Oftentimes, people had gone from one doctor-to-the-next, unable to find resolution to a  problem they were experiencing.  In a 15-20 minutes session with me, the need was met and these people had such a deep gratitude and couldn’t express how it felt.  I took the healing gift for granted…but those who experienced it in passing, sometimes were overwhelmed with gratitude they felt.  And now I UNDERSTAND how they felt.

            Raylene and Walter, like my grandson two days after Christmas…touched MY SOUL.  It is so deeply felt when you experience God in Action and the gifts they have given are PRICELESS.  No amount of money or good deeds in return can ever qualify the feeling.  It must be felt to be understood.

            Grand gestures of fixing my shower and drain, enclosing my lean-to in order to keep snow off of the wood, and making it easier to get without going out into the weather….and driving me to the store when they know I don’t like to drive on these roads are equally important to miracle healings of when the Divine touches your soul in a priceless moment in time.  (Sorry/long run-on.)

            Raylene said, “Gloria, you don’t “owe” us anything for doing these things for you.  I know that if we ever needed help, you would be there for us.”  I assured her I would…  However, I clarified, “I would do anything for you, except sell my soul to the devil….or rob a bank (unless you bought the mask!)”  Some things are written in stone and that promise….IS…

            Raylene also mentioned that I had given to others, forever, and now it was my time to receive.  I am so touched to the core of my soul; it almost leaves me breathless….

            There are the givers who have given to someone in so many ways, only to be rejected and betrayed by those they have helped, left wondering how they could be treated so poorly.  When we are giving, without receiving respect, it adds one more scar to our heart.  In these experiences, we question ourselves deeper and deeper.  Was it just lack of boundaries?  Were we only looking through eyes and heart full of love and couldn’t see the forest for the trees?  What must we do to stop these painful experiences or change our beliefs to end the pain?

            And herein lies the answer:  Oneness.  My Oneness with God constitutes my Oneness with all spiritual beings, ideas, and creations.  You can’t just SAY the words and think the affirmation will change your consciousness from human to Divine.  You have to meet God where He is, in Spirit. When attained, you attract God’s People/Great Spirits, you meet your Raylene’s & Walter’s.

            I am now sharing my new prayers in 2024.  If they were just words, not demonstrated and sharing them, I would lose the demonstration.  However, I have practiced and seen the results and in this column and in many more to come, I will share deeper understanding and results.

  1. Dearest Heavenly Father/Mother/Creator:  I ask that my individual mind to be opened to receive Your Spirit so that Your Grace can flow and be realized as spiritual nature and reality.
  2. Dearest Holy Spirit, I ask You to open my inner listening ear in order to receive the Word of God.  I live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

I then give my thanks, in Jesus’s name….Amen

Then I LISTEN FOR TWO OR THREE MINUTES, LIKE I AM WAITING FOR HIM TO ACTUALLY SPEAK.  Sometimes, I actually HEAR the Voice of God.  Sometimes, I hear a “click” in my ear, have a deep breath release, or my mouth opens wide like I am yawning.  In any case, I have made the inner contact and my outer world will experience the Divine Nature rather than human nature.

I pray these two prayers morning, noon, and night.  I pray them intermittently throughout the day.  I pray them before I write a column and during a phone call from someone in need.  The last thing anyone needs is “Gloria’s opinion.”

Each time we meditate, our inner light glows stronger.  Meditation doesn’t need to be guided, long, or complicated.  In two-to-three minutes, you can make the Contact and watch your life change.  Feel the difference between human good works and Divine unfoldment in your daily world.

As 2024 began, I took down my shingle of being a human do-gooder.  People with motives and users momentarily touch my life and vanish….and those who are God-inspired are appearing on my doorstep and as “Keepers” in my life.  The time line we are on is giving us the awareness of seeing through bullshit quicker and easier than ever before.  The forerunners are finding one another and are extraordinarily in tune with the heartbeat of the inner flame of Christhood/Light.

My consciousness is being purified quickly in situations to Oneness/ALL GOOD (NOT good AND bad) by these simple prayers.  My outer life is being altered from the inner shifting naturally.

I had five members of my monthly group quit within one week, due to varying reasons.  I also took an extended leave of absence as Host for the Stevensville group.  Years ago, I had dreams and visions all the time until I no longer did.  They have returned, as well since 2024 began, leading me onward and upwards.  I am being inwardly guided with clarity.

Rather than whining about having my feelings hurt as this year opened, it was truly a blessing in disguise.

As the Collective Consciousness rises and so much darkness is revealed….it is my hope for the reader that they take these few minutes throughout their days and experience God in Action.  I would also appreciate hearing your successes and my contact information is below for your convenience.

Until next month, take care…I care…


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

December 2023

Greetings and good afternoon from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving.   Rather than starting from the first of the month, I think I will work backwards.

            Planning on having the holiday meal at my daughter’s home this year, the day before Thanksgiving, I made the salads, pie, homemade dinner rolls, and prepped the stuffing for the next day.  After spending time in the kitchen all day, I made a trip to Missoula to pick up my incoming granddaughter who would be spending the holiday meal with us.  Upon my return to Stevensville, I received a call that my daughter Danielle had injured her back and was in the Emergency Room in Missoula.  She mentioned that Thanksgiving was now canceled.

            Not canceled, in my opinion, it just involved geography…to my home.  With shared responsibilities and Danielle not able to stand, sit, lay, or walk…momma jumped in to save the day.  I assumed the part she would have played in the meal, which was very easy since I have had 52 years of experience.  My gratitude, however, began with Step One:  thankful I had followed my intuition to complete all my prep for the meal the day prior.  Step Two:  grateful that God gave me the inspiration, motivation, and energy to pull it all together on such short notice.

            Two of my guests have been struggling financially, with the loss of their pet, and with their individual illnesses.   (You may question why I haven’t helped them, but some people just don’t “believe.”)  Everyone is allowed their Free Will.  As a healer, I can’t force myself on anyone……

Following the “Hallmark Dinner,” (beautifully set table, surrounded by softness of lighting and decorations, and each delicious bite)…the woman wept with gratitude following the meal.   They had called earlier in the day and ask if they could come early and I agreed that it would be fine.  She offered a helping hand in preparation and teamwork always makes the dream work.

            Through her tears, she expressed how difficult things had been for them for a couple years.  “This meal and home,” she stated, “is exactly what we both needed today.”  She continued, “It is so warm and comfy and we have truly enjoyed every second of it.”  Looking refreshed, fulfilled, and filled full with just A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE…they departed.

            I have been struggling for a name for my dream Center.  I have tried several names on for the feel of it.  “Safetown USA,” “Mother Hope’s House,” and “Spiritual Boot Kamp” (for basic spiritual training) have been a few of them. 

            For those of you who have not followed this column since its inception in October of 1995 and don’t know how my career as a spiritual healer began – I feel like I should update you.

            My daughter Danielle was 3 years old when she came into my bedroom one afternoon.  She asked, “Momma, why are you lying down?”   I responded, “I have a headache, Danielle, but I’m okay – I will be up in a few minutes.”  She replied, “Oh!  You just need A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE.”

            Before I continue, I need to explain that we were NOT a religious family.  We never talked about God in the home unless we were using His name in vain.  Also, Danielle had never learned the color spectrum from Sesame Street or any other means.

            She softly rubbed her two little hands together for a couple seconds and placed one on my breast bone and one on my navel.  She closed her eyes and tilted her head back like she was looking at the ceiling…but her eyes were closed.  However, I noticed that there was rapid eye movement and knew she was looking at something.  I asked, “Danielle, what do you see?”  Tick-tocking her head back and forth, in her tiny toddler voice, she stated each word clearly, “I see RED…ORANGE…YELLOW…GREEN….BLUE…PURPLE…”  She then gasped in amazement as she said, “I JUST SAW WHITE LIGHT – I JUST SAW GOD, MOMMA!”

            Confused, I asked, “You saw God?!”  Sighing, she said, “Yes, and He loves of oh-so-VERY-much.”

            My headache disappeared.

            A couple weeks later, I flew with my five-year-old son and three-year-old Danielle to Denver to visit my parents.  While we were there, my mom was complaining about her elbow hurting.  I decided to imitate Danielle and stated, “Oh, you just need A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE.”  I rubbed my hands together like she did, placed them on my mom’s elbow, and closed my eyes.  I didn’t see colors.  My inner vision opened like a wide-screen TV and I watched my mom fall on the ice at Lowrey Air Force Base where she worked.  As she fell, she landed on her tailbone and cracked her elbow on the sidewalk.  The vision closed and I opened my eyes, relating to mom what I had just seen.

            Stunned, she remarked, “That did happen, and come to think of it, my elbow has hurt ever since.”  Continuing, she stated, “But son-of-a-bitch, it doesn’t hurt anymore!”  I concluded, “You’re kidding?!”

            Returning to Sacramento following this visit, my telephone rang.  It was Rosemary.  Her first words were, “I want to come see you for a healing.”  Stunned and confused, “I asked what made her think I could do anything” and she replied, “Weeks ago, I was laying flat on my back, in severe pain to the point I couldn’t get out of bed.  After just talking to you on the phone, I could get out of bed pain free.”  (You’re kidding?!)

            She wasn’t kidding.  As she continued to tell me what she was dealing with now, “bleeding for a long time, had a D & C, which didn’t stop the bleeding….and now they want to do a complete hysterectomy” (which she didn’t want)…  As she spoke, my eyes felt so heavy, I had to close them.  My inner vision opened and I watched a beautiful violet light coming from the left and the right to the center of my vision, pulsating, and flowing outwardly.   I didn’t know what it was, but it was pretty and I was mesmerized by its beauty.

            When she stopped talking, I could open my eyes.  I said, “Rosemary, this is Friday….why don’t you come see me at noon on Monday.  I don’t know what I can do to help, other than offer a kind word or positive affirmation, but just come.”

            Monday, at noon, Rosemary was on my doorstep.  Embarrassed, I explained that I forgot why she was coming.  She reminded me, “I was bleeding, don’t you remember?”  I replied, “Oh, that’s right.”  But she asked, “Did you do something already?”   Continuing, “Because I haven’t bled since we talked on the phone.”  (You’re kidding?)

            My journey as a healer began and continues to present moment.  Miracle-minded, I started Miracle Publishing & Distribution to get books created to teach people how to do what I do.  Every home needs a healer.  I also created Miracle Healing Ministry, ordained as  a minister and achieving my Ph.D. in Religious Studies.  Having initials behind my name, I was told, would give me “more credibility.”  (Whatever….)  Regardless, ol’ Dr. Glo-bug is here to just lighten things up!

            Last week, a woman called and asked for an appointment.  She had been depressed and crying for two weeks.  She came to my home and we chatted for a couple hours.  Her face looked drawn when she arrived and she sparkled as she was leaving.  The following day, she texted me and said she looked at me the day before and I was glowing and looked 20 years younger.  Knowing the dark night of the soul I had been through in previous years, she said, “I think our Glo-Gloria is baaa-a-a-ack!

            Twenty-eight years ago, I was in California teaching a workshop, instructing participants how to give and receive A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE…experiencing miracles in their day-to-day lives.  I met a married couple, Lou and Ruth, that day.  Lou had been given a death sentence prior to his arrival at the workshop.

            Last month, I received a call from Fresno and invited to their 70th Anniversary party.  I was honored.  Lou said so many nice things to me, in gratitude, that it wouldn’t have been possible without me as an instrument so long ago.  I sent them a large donation towards recliners as a gift and wrote them a Personalized Fairytale:

Passing the Torch

            Once upon a nowaday time, a Lady (named Gloria) was reflecting upon her soul family.  She had just turned 70 years of age, which coincided with dear friends/spiritual family of hers.  On November 11th, Lou and Ruth Federico would be celebrating their 70th Anniversary as man and wife.  It was especially easy to remember them because their new beginning together began the same year as the Lady’s life.

            Meeting and falling in love with strangers came as simply as breathing air for the Lady.  Some merely passed through her life, while others lingered as “Keepers” for decades with the ever-new freshness of Divine Love leading the way.

            As Gloria pondered Lou and Ruth’s upcoming celebration, she was reminded of the specialness she felt with them in her life.  Putting her thoughts to words, she felt the emotion of why God had allowed them to meet on the individual spiritual journeys of their lives.

            As the Lady thought of Lou, her heart smiled.  She remembered his height, a gallant man she could look up to.  She recalled his eyes and was reminded of his soul smiling back at her.  She heard his voice and memorized it in case they would seldom speak.

            During a health challenge for Lou, the Lady heard God speak and say, “This is a life worth saving.”  Lou lived the teachings within the Bible.  Everywhere he went, he lit up the world with his humor, his smile and his joy, using kind words and noble actions.  He was kind and good and loving.  Lou “Passed the Torch” of his inner glow of Christ Light to everyone he met.

            Lou’s beautiful beloved bride, Ruth, was a Divine Complement to him.  He knew it, she knew it, in fact everyone knew it.  Seldom does a couple arrive at a 70-year Hallmark moment of celebration that took the love, blood, sweat, and tears to make it a long-lasting Twin Flame Anniversary to last throughout eternity.  But these kids (of and in God) did…and even made it look easy to do…

            Ruth, as the second half of one heart, loved her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and even the children of others.

            Ruth had such high moral principles, values, integrity, and love for others – it couldn’t help but leak out in her actions in daily life with relatives, friends, and strangers.  She made it look effortless to pick up the phone, start talking, and be able to pick up where you left off last.  Ruth knew how to be a loyal friend.

            Ruth’s heart had a dream of teaching all children the moral fiber of Jesus’ message to humanity.  She imagined teaching every child how to love, as well as how to live in an ever-changing world and consciousness.  She dreamed and spoke her wish into the heart of God that she would vow to Pass the Torch of knowledge to the youth in our modern-day world of today.

            Together, Lou and Ruth parented their offspring in such a way that the children had nothing but pride and gratitude for their parents and upbringing.  These apples didn’t fall far from that Family Tree!

            In feeling such love and devotion to Lou and Ruth as a couple, the Lady realized a deep knowingness of why she considered herself part of their Soul Tribe.  Through her travels, she randomly met people and held them to her heart.  In tears, she would thank them for passing through her life and showing her love.  Should they never meet again, “with skin on,” she would treasure that Divine Moment of getting to have the pleasure to even meet at all.

            Such was the “random meeting” with Lou and Ruth.  To know and to feel in the deepest depths of one’s being – when the Heavens open up and show a soul the meaning of unconditional pure love.  To hear the words is one thing, but to feel it is another…  In that glorious meeting, they “Passed the Torch” of their inner Christ Love to Gloria and she…to them.

            As the hour arrives on November 11, in the Year of Our Lord, 2023 – celebrating 70 years as man and wife, Gloria’s Spirit of Love is present, although her physical body rests in a faraway land.

            For seven decades, Lou and Ruth have carried a torch for one another, their heirs, and for humanity.  They have lived long enough to see great changes occurring, as well as the upcoming spiritual awakening for humanity.  Every step along the way, they slowly relinquished responsibilities and knowledge to others, while Passing the Torch to all future generations, leaving their mark of greatness on one and all.

            Happy Anniversary Lou and Ruth!!   When we cast our bread upon the waters, we can presume that someone downstream (whose face we have never met) will benefit from our action, even as we enjoy the gifts sent to us from a donor upstream.  (Maya Angelou)

Thanks for touching my life…with love,  Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.



            Not just in November!  Every day of my life, I have so much to be grateful for.  As we advance into our final month of 2023, I hope that you will take the time to think of the things … even simple things you have gratitude towards.   It keeps your frequency and vibration high, gives you unlimited energy, and helps you manifest the things you DO want to attract into your life.

            The name of my dream Center will become “A LITTLE EXTRA LOVE” (Spiritual Healing Center.)  It is where it all began for me, it has taken me through daily life for 35 years, demonstrating its simple truth when we apply it personally in our lives.

            I hope you have a beautiful Christmas!  I believe that 2024 holds some amazing forthcoming events and spiritual experiences that will be unprecedented for each of us as we reach the zenith of a planetary spiritual awakening.

            Until next month, take care…I care…

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”


November, 2023

Greetings and good afternoon from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I apologize that I didn’t submit a column last month, but my computer had a glitch and it didn’t get recovered until early this week.

            October, being my birthday month, has kept me busy for two weeks.  Now that I am all celebrated-out, I can get back to my normal busy.

            I began decorating for upcoming Halloween.  I told my daughter a few weeks ago that I was inspired to have my costume this year as Aunt Jemima.  She was looking down at her keyboard when I spoke those words.  She slowly lifted her face and turned it to the right with a look of total confusion on her face.  Her appearance was burned into my brain.  In a questioning tone, she asked, “Momma, what…with your appearance….makes you even think you can make yourself look like Aunt Jemima?!” I giggled and said, “Well, I found the cutest skirt that fits me perfectly and it looks like a replica of hers!”

            I giggled, because OF COURSE she was RIGHT.  And okay, okay, okay…I get it!  It would take an enormous imagination to pull that off since I am a skinny munchkin and Caucasian.  But I DO have an enormous imagination and I could do it, but with my busy schedule, why would I choose to put my energy there?

            I was willing to settle for two other options to entertain the 600 kids/parents that will show up on my doorstep on Halloween night.  I could either be a little house on the prairie granny…OR, better yet, I COULD BECOME Uncle Sam’s girlfriend!  The wheels in my brain went round and round and I could visualize the outcome immediately.

            Friends came by for celebration of my birthday and I told them the good news.  Putting on my cherry red hat that beholds a very tall red feather and red round sunglasses to match, I explained that I would be Uncle Sam’s girlfriend.  They rolled with laughter and related that I looked more like a pimp than his girlfriend…but hey, they haven’t seen the entire costume (yet!)

            I am making a sign for my front yard that clearly states, “I didn’t decorate for Halloween this year because I think our nation and world is scary enough right now and I don’t want to make it any worse than it is.  Uncle Sam is my boyfriend and he thinks he wears the pants in this relationship, but the truth of the matter is…I tell him what pants to wear.”

            I am decorating my patriotic yard brighter than ever this year.  I am handing out patriotic wrapped candy and pencils for a second year in a row.  I am wrapping my homemade Kraft Caramel popcorn balls for the adults in red, white, and blue.

            Nearly 18 years ago, following the death of my beloved husband Kirk, my daughter Danielle called me from the Air Base in New Mexico.  She said she was studying and what she was reading reminded her of me.  I asked what she was reading about and she said, “Self-Actualization.”  She continued, “Momma, you are the most self-actualized person I have ever met on the planet.”

            I laughed and said, “Danielle, I appreciate your compliment, but truthfully – I don’t even know what it means.”  She related that it means a person has achieved what they incarnated to do.  I laughed out loud and said, “Danielle, I don’t feel very self-actualized.  I am lying on the couch in fetal position, crying and hurting so badly I can barely breathe.”

            In a firm tone, she said, “Momma!  Think about it.  You raised four kids and while doing so, you got a song published in Nashville for Daddy, you got five books in print, you helped thousands of convicts, you traveled and taught and was an instrument for amazing miracles, you helped Nikki get a new rewarding life, you got your Ph.D., and you made Daddy feel like the most important person in your life.”  Conclusively stating as if perfectly correct, she added, “You did ALL THAT WHILE RAISING FOUR KIDS!”    She finished by saying, “And now without all of us in your way – just imagine what you could achieve!”  (Can I just add here….if I were to remind her today about that conversation, would she still believe I couldn’t pull off being Aunt Jemima for Halloween?)

            Today, the words “Self-Actualization” came back to my awareness.  How many of us even realize what those words say.  It is not a false humility that negated my conversation with Danielle, it was my unawareness of what it actually meant.  The bi-product of Self Actualization is morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts.  Holy Mother of God – I AM SELF ACTUALIZED!  It is as if I just found out that I have brown eyes.  Everyone else knew it, except me.   For what it’s worth, I follow with…I am a lot of things and no-things, I am One with All That Is.

            Self-Actualization comes from many lifetimes, I’m sure, on the “endless wheel of misfortune and fortune.”  Speaking from all the experiences to teach me an ever-widening influence of compassion for humanity, it leads me to now and why I have such an insatiable desire to be patriotic on a daily basis.

            In 2020, when I caught on to the trauma-based mind control, watching Mainstream News use shock as a form of division and fear to create a low frequency for viewers, I immediately disposed of the toxic sources of information.  I knew they were not an authority for me any longer.

            Temporarily, I began seeking alternative news sources on YouTube, but got disheartened quickly there, as well.  Sources of mis and dis-information were everywhere and rather than get so confused of who was right and who was wrong, I just stopped listening altogether.  The next stage began surfacing of psychics and so-called Prophets, stating things as if they are written in stone.  Because they are spiritual, many put their stamp of approval on these sources and help speak tragedy for humanity into existence….making these things inevitable.  I can’t tell you how many times someone says something will happen and when it does, they take an opportunity to relate it was them who said it first!  (I wouldn’t be proud of hearkening disaster into reality for innocent humanity.)

            There are many possible timelines for humanity right now.  Where do I choose to put my energy?  (And with whom/)  What timeline do you choose to repeat and feed with your energy?  (And with whom?)

            Early in October, I sent out an invitation to my Bitterroot Valley members of Connecting Consciousness, cordially inviting them to attend our Gathering last Sunday.  I foretold that I was bringing all my “Adult Toys” out to play with to raise our frequency even higher.  I am sure some of them wondered what I meant by “Adult Toys,” but I use every opportunity to bring a smile or laugh to others.

            Upon arrival of a lovely Mexican meal I made, we ate in good cheer and shared what occurred since we last met.  We voiced complaints and encouragements with Life 101.  Following the meal, I set my crystal singing bowls, the Tibetan Bowl, Tibetan Bell, and tuning forks on the table before us.  We took turns playing them individually and simultaneously.  One member who arrived low on energy, overwhelmed with our world, (and crying the evening before due to being an empath after seeing “what was going on”) was now laughing and stating how energized she felt.

            In public, I take every opportunity to raise the frequency of others through genuine compliments, listening to strangers dump their problems to a stranger, and say the silliest things to provide laughter.  (It’s an innate quality…never have I attempted to pre-plan what I will say in any situation.)

            I started on a bowling league in September.  My teammates are a 96-year-old man, slender and tiny in stature.  The lady on our team had a stroke a year ago and the entire left side of her body is frozen.  You would be in awe to watch these two characters bowl as we listen to the “Oldies but Goodies” songs of yesteryear.  I literally cheerlead my team when they get strikes and spares.  I also ask around trying to find anyone who will Jitterbug with me. 

My friend Colleen who comes to cheerlead me, was asked by them, “Is Gloria even old enough to qualify to be on a Senior League?”  I am so busy reliving my youth, after not bowling for 45 years, I have stepped right back into being 17 again!  I can’t count how many times in the last three years that I have been told that I help others feel young, again!  Growing old may be mandatory, but growing up is optional!

            People are starved for the positive feelings of love, peace, safety, nurturing, laughter, and joy.  Lightworkers are here to help others advance and we can’t do both, affirm forthcoming tragedy and trauma….and give hope to the hopeless.  I recently heard a prediction that there was a fence that went for miles and miles with people sitting atop it.  God did a great shaking and people fell to both sides of the fence.  Time is running out for being a fence sitter.  It is each of us that must choose which side we are on, love or fear.  I heard Spirit say, “Time is running out attempting to live an ordinary life with extraordinary power.”

            In 2010, I chose to do the Will of God.  Being awakened from a sound sleep, He said, “Gloria D. Benish, you DO have a choice.”  With no forethought or after thought, I chose His Will.  (my destiny.)  We each have a choice.  We can live in the lower frequency of fear and hate or we can ascend with love.

            I affirm, “I live in a New World.”  In my creative imagination, I see a dream come true of living in Unity with God and humanity.  I see people helping people with no money involved, but because we have our gifts “and stuff” so abundantly, we have to share it.  I see brief challenges, but with those centered in their hearts, they are easily overcome and put to rest.  I see no more greed and corruption because “just like being Uncle Sam’s girlfriend and telling him what pants to wear,” I am reminded it is We, The People who have the voice to say what we will and won’t allow to occur any longer.

            As a humanity with our wholesome slogans,  “One Nation Under God” and “In God We Trust,” we are also the same humanity that can choose if We, The People are PISSED…or We, The People, are BLESSED.

            My daughter gave me a “mustard seed necklace,” for my birthday along with the Bible passage that says, “Matthew 17:20-21   For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”  I carry a Ziplock baggy of Mustard Seeds in my purse just in case I meet someone who has lost their faith.  (I have plenty of Faith to share!)   One small bottle of Mustard Seed from your local grocer can service many people on your daily walk through life……….  If you have faith, please share it!

            Even in this column, you have a choice.  Perhaps you got some clarification or maybe, just maybe, I have made you smile, laugh, or you made the phhtttt sound.  In either case, your frequency just heightened and you feel better about your personal life and growth?  And with that awareness, here’s the bottom line…TAG!  YOU’RE IT!  PASS IT ON!!!

            Until next month, take care…I care…

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”


September 2023

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I hope you are all enjoying your summer.  I have especially loved eating fresh tomatoes I grew this year because I “spoke them into existence” with gratitude and encouragement.  I spoke to them lovingly with appreciation every morning as I watered them.  I proudly showed them off to everyone who stopped by.  Am I crazy?  Probably…but crazy works for me!

            I take every opportunity to help people smile and laugh.  In this crazy upside-down world, we have to find happiness right where we are and expand on it to keep the frequency of love as high as we can to off-set the negativity that surrounds us.  I AM ON IT from the time my feet touch the floor each day.

            Last Saturday, I attended a Connecting Consciousness meeting in Missoula.  Knowing that afterwards, my friend Leslie and I were going to the Fair, I dressed appropriately in my western hat, boots, and a fringed outfit.  YeeHawwww!

            When I arrived, I received compliments on the outfit and explained why.  Our Event Host asked me why going to the Fair was important to me.  I responded that I had to go get a corn dog.  Even though I had worked in a corn dog booth at a Fair in my youth and “knew better,” I have to get one because they are the epitome of a County Fair in my memories.

            He (Kevin) asked if we would be riding the rides and I responded, “Leslie said NO.”  He asked, “But, what does Gloria have to say about that?”  I stated, “Well, I do love to ride the Ferris wheel and I would love to kiss as it gets my seat to the top…but I don’t think Leslie will go for that!”

            When Leslie and I stood in line to get my desired corn dog, our view of people watching had our eyes on teenage girls who were wearing their bra on the outside of their clothing.  Other teens had cut their shorts off so short mid-way up the pockets so their hineys were hanging out the bottom in full view.  We didn’t need to worry about the message they were giving young men because their make-up of eye-liner and mascara was so perfectly applied, that they were beautiful!

            I could have shaken my head until it fell off my neck!  What a different world we live in!  It makes me yearn for yester-year of what we all thought was “normal.”  I even had a visiting 12-year-old in my home trying to red-pill my granddaughter Kathryn with the insanity on this planet.  She argued vehemently that our earth is NOT flat and completely ignored his comments about what we are eating at fast food restaurants.

            One of my granddaughters told me last year that she is lesbian.  I wondered how she could possibly know at her tender age when she hasn’t even been kissed by a boy (or!) girl yet?  She has been being groomed in her school.  It is shocking and sad.  To quote Derek Johnson (a YouTube independent journalist), “If God doesn’t do something to correct the world the way it is, He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” 

In my opinion and belief, God isn’t “going to do anything that He isn’t already doing” through you and me.  God is Omnipresent, which means everywhere present and His Presence is IN THE PRESENT moment, not tomorrow or in a month or decade.  HE is active right here and right NOW through YOU AND ME.

            To keep our frequency high enough, we must rise above judgment of  human good and bad BECAUSE HE IS ONLY GOOD.  We must remain in love, with consideration, compassion, kindness, and the values that God IS.

            As an example, I was driving into Missoula a week ago.  I was stopped at the red light, waiting to turn onto Highway 93 to head towards Missoula.  A truck behind me was laying on his horn, wanting me to get a move on it so he could do the same.  His continued honking was annoying to say the least.  Honking suggests that we are stupid and trying to manipulate us into  thinking we are doing something wrong.

            Did I feel anger?  Yes!  But did I take action on it?  No.

            A string of cars, like rush-hour in a large city has added an unusual amount of traffic in the Bitterroot that we aren’t used to.  I was being careful and even imagined that I was saving this guy’s life by not pulling out into it needlessly.  I envisioned that he would be injured unnecessarily if I allowed him access to the oncoming traffic.

I wondered how to handle this situation in a spiritual manner in my mind’s eye.  I “saw” that I got out of my car and walked back to his truck.  As he rolled down his window to this pint-sized munchkin that I am, I would state with authority, “If you don’t lay off that horn, I am going to send a blast of love to your heart so strongly that it is going to knock you on your butt and you won’t be able to stand for a couple days with its force.  While you are sitting there, I hope you will

  • ponder that God put me before you today to teach you how to slow down,
  • be considerate,
  • You might act this way where you came from, but we don’t act like that here in the Root,
  • have some patience to learn that He loves you so very much,
  • and He just wants you and everyone around you to get safely to your destination.”

The light turned green and I made my righthand turn.  As the truck passed me, he waved (instead of flipping me off,) saw my smile and he lip-read my, “Have a great day!”

When I arrived in Missoula at the Junction of Reserve, the right side of the two-lane turn lane was blocked.  The right lane I was in was blocked with a stalled car.  One after another, the cars in front of me were feeding into the left turn lane as they could.  As I came upon the stalled car, I got out and walked up to the young kid who was frantic from all the honking that had occurred with him.

            He opened his door with a phone in his hand, apologizing that he was trying to get help to get out of the way of others.  I smiled and said, “I’m not here to see if you are doing anything about that – I am checking on YOU.”  I ASKED, “Is THERE ANYTHING I can do to help YOU?”  He was stunned.that I would even care or take action…no one prior to me had done so.

            God always gives us everything we need, usually before we know we need it.  Two days prior, I sat and listened to a woman who had stalled her car at a light and how anxious she felt and how the honking just made her anxiety worse.  She was a mess trying to get her car re-started.  With this experience being shared, I had the solution in my awareness of how to handle it.

            So many people are rushing about, forgetting or not aware of what it would be like to be in these positions.  As lightworkers here on this planet at this destined time are empaths to show consideration to those who are hypnotized by these dramatic events surrounding us.  We are here to be part of the solution, not part of the problem…….

            My friend Leslie lost her sister Nancy last December.  If you have lost a loved one and know the grief that consumes you, you will understand how difficult it is to find motivation to let go ot things following the loss.  In August, I helped her have two garage sales to let go of Nancy’s possessions.  It isn’t easy.  The memories  choke you and the sentiment hangs on for dear life without someone’s help.

            Last month, I wrote about letting go of people who no longer served my highest good.  This month, it was time to let go of my own things that are no longer useful and I willingly and cheerfully set things out in my front yard with Leslie’s that we brought to the Valley from Missoula.  We know how to have a garage sale!  Phew!  My yard was FULL and we met so many wonderful people while doing it.

            I was playful, as usual!  I used my spiritual gifts on many occasions with buyers.  A truck was passing the house and I used the Titanic movie of Rose blowing the whistle to be rescued, “Come back, come back!” directing him to come back to the sale because I had golf clubs to sell. He was headed up the street, but actually turned around.  He got out of his vehicle and came directly to me saying he was looking for left-handed golf clubs for his mother – and Voila!  There they were.  In moments, he paid and off he went….

            One of our buyers stopped because of my patriotic yard.  He was enamored with my large Eagle/lantern/flag lawn ornament.  As he looked at my patriotic attire and hearing that I am addicted to patriotism, we found common ground.  He owns a patriotic museum here in Stevensville and invited me to come quench my thirst to see his collection for the community.

            On the second day of our sale, he returned with a gift for me.  He graced me with a framed patriotic print of a poem that says:


            WE ARE AMERICA…

            The heart of a world seeking freedom and peace.  We are the east and the west, the north and the south – one people embracing many.  We are a legacy of courage with a destiny for greatness.  We are history and prophecy, liberty and home, refuge and vision.

            So we lift up our light as a beacon of hope, with this prayer to our God and Creator.  Make us a people who care and who comfort.  Let us reach out a welcoming hand to the homeless, the helpless, the hurting, the hungry.  Let us fulfill God’ great plan for our land.  Let our gift to the nations be love.  (B. J. Hoff)

Steve A. Stopher, (S.E.A. Vet/307 HSS Combat Intel) the founder of the MILITARY HISTORY ON TOUR here in Stevensville invites people to his museum to see his professional displays and museum of military artifacts and collectibles, all branches.  It serves veterans functions, memorial events, POW/MIA CEREMONIES, MILITARY REUNIONS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.  His lovely wife Linda, the Event Coordinator and Cold War Vet supports his dream.  You can contact Steve at 406-240-0114 for further details.

I have made a new friend in Steve.  You always know when God has His Hand on a meeting such as ours.  When he returned the second day of our garage sale to ask where I bought my lawn ornament Eagle, I told him it was from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Missoula.  However, I had purchased it for my Memorial Day decorations and I wasn’t sure they would still have another one.  I offered to donate my Eagle to him for his collection and he insisted that he pay for it, along with making a plaque stating that I had donated it due to my love for it, as well.  In my opinion, that wasn’t necessary.  I believed it would be enjoyed by far more in his museum than sitting in front of my home for neighbors and the few in town who might drive by.  It is a win/win by meeting Steve!

He returned a day later, gifting me with a new U.S. flag and a POW/MIA flag…my first and most-treasured!

I have told you in many columns of my love for God, Country, and humanity as a whole.  My pride in my two children (and son-in-law) for serving this nation, only to come home disabled keeps me daily grateful that they came home at all after their service.

I have been patriotic my entire life, watching and weeping involuntarily at every parade that my dad and other Veterans walked down the street, representing the VFW.  To this day, my eyes leak and I have to swallow my choking sobs as the Star-Spangled Banner plays.  I cannot sing the words or I will outright start bawling.

In 2020, my patriotism deepened.  My love for God, Country, and humanity became an unfathomable enormous passion that I daily leak as much to others, as possible.  As a healer who went public in 1995, I have experienced thousands healed of cancer and countless unimaginable illnesses…only to hear God state in 2010, “Man will always be in conflict.  Allow humanity to take care of the things they can take care of, so you have time to be my instrument of peace.”  My workshops came to an end and people lined up for healings waned … as I grow deeper in love for the whole of humanity,

I AM love.  A walking/talking demonstration of God in action.  I wouldn’t know how to even stop being me, NOR WOULD I WANT TO.  I AM here today, to let YOU KNOW HOW MUCH “I” LOVE YOU.  If we are ever-so-fortunate to meet one another “with skin on,” “I” will prove it to you.  Until then, you have my word…”I will be with you always, even until the end of the earth,” “I” just may come to you in another form than the one who looks like…

…Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

P.S.  Until next month, take care…I care…

August 2023

Greetings and good morning, everyone!   What a beautiful day in the Bitterroot Valley!  It is hot and I am loving every single second of it and am immensely enjoying “our six days of summer” in Montana.

            Knowing yesterday that my column was due today, I wondered what message was in my soul to offer today.  I went to bed at midnight last night and awoke at 2 a.m. with a nightmare/very clear message of what my day would bring.  I believe I will “polish this turd” and turn it into yet another inspirational message for you.

            My past two months have been spent in cleaning house.  Not my physical structure that I live in, per say, but my emotional and mental house.  Digging deep into relationships that no longer serve my highest good.  The prerequisite to remaining part of my life depends on three things and is not dependent on how many months or years these people have been part of my life.

  • Would I be willing to live their lives?  No matter how profound their advice is, are they living up to their own advice?  If not, they are unqualified.
  • For 38 years, I have had individuals want to share in my dream.  They have believed that I either already had money or would become affluent and hung onto my cape for dear life.  I had to ask myself, “What have they done to help me achieve my dream and to bask in the outcome?”  I had to be honest and ask myself, “What do they bring to the table?  If their efforts had to carry the dream to fruition, would it fall flat or succeed?”
  • Is there RECIPROCITY?  I planted seeds long ago and the harvest is about to take place.  My dream cannot unfold in a “victim state of mentality” that I acquired following my violent assaults.  I had to raise my consciousness back up to where I was before that occurred and could only be achieved by forgiveness of my enemies.

I am at the point in my life where I no longer have expectations, I have REQUIREMENTS.  Respect my time, match my effort, always be honest, and stay consistent.  These are my requirements, not expectations.

            In a recent column, I told you I woke up one morning and heard, “I live in a new world,” and my first thought was, “no more user/abuser/loser/manipulator relationships.”  My house cleaning began, as is happening to many people on the planet right now.  Letting go of people and things that no longer serve our highest good.  We cannot ascend and take “this world” of people pleasing and co-dependency with us.  The housecleaning begins within ourselves and being accountable for our side of the pancake.  I had to accept my part as allowing people to take advantage of me.

            I had a 25-year friendship with a narcissist and I loved her dearly.  Everyone in her life, including her children had abandoned her.  I continued to remain to show that someone cared and years down the road, I was still listening to “her story” of her “his tory.”  It was evident that she was stuck, but being a “know-it-all”/non-stop talker that wouldn’t let me get a word in edge-wise was frustrating for me.  I had to finally let go and go with the flow of where God wanted me to be to fulfill my destiny.  Is it sad?  Oh, hell yeah…it is tragic to me. 

            Hours upon hours of negative conversation to be heard, repeats-upon-repeats, finally got unacceptable.  I still love her with all my heart, but the unhealthy relationship had to end.   I had been ignoring my intuition repeatedly and I could no longer please her and please myself at the same time.  I had to choose me.

            Ending a Karmic Cycle sounds good in theory, but the process is painful as well.  I have been experiencing grief from letting go of seven people in my life.  I am quite positive that they are all in shock that I would release them, even with the loving way it was fulfilled.

            I have been in deep contemplation of all those who have hurt me…and taking responsibility and accountability of all those I may have hurt.  Listening to the way I speak to others about past injustices allows me to see where unforgiveness still lingers in my heart.  When they come to mind, I pray 70 x 7 forgiving as the hurts and angers come forth like the layers of an onion.  We sometimes think we have forgiven, only to still feel a thread of anger or frustration in our feelings through the charge of emotion.  Then it is “back to the drawing board” to heal yet another aspect of ourselves.

            Years ago, while my kids were in school, I was meditating while lying on the living room love-seat.  (Yes, I fit on a love-seat laying down!)  During the meditation, two “light-beings” appeared in my inner vision.  The first one handed me a lighted white candle and said, “You are a light-bearer for all nations.”  The second one handed me a lighted white candle that transformed into a scroll as I received in it hand as “he” said, “And a messenger for all people.”

            As I unrolled the scroll to read it, it was blank and I asked, “What is the message I am being asked to share?”  He responded, “The message is within your soul.”

            How does one find the soul?  What is the friggin’ message?  Did this mean that I was going to have a “grand slam New York Times bestselling book?”  No.  (And maybe?  And, who really cares?)  My message for humanity is my testimony of spiritually awaking, teaching others how to go within to the Kingdom of Heaven where all else will be added.  It is my testimony of daily living of being raped to dead…being knocked on my ass and all I can do is look at the stars because I can’t get out of fetal position even to get up and get moving.  In fact, it’s all I can do to get my teeth brushed and maybe get a dishwasher going and make my bed.

            But, laying in that position so long and just looking at the stars gets boring after a while and then you decide to get up off your butt and BECOME A STAR to light the way for others.

            I am just around the corner to having all my dreams come true.  I tease myself in my thoughts that overnight success took me about 64 years to achieve.  I am driven.  I knew at age 5, the first time I healed a kindergarten stranger that I had something very important to do for humanity.

            Those experiences that formed me as a youth of being a people pleasing co-dependent were created for my survival, but my past is my past and has no room in my future.

            It is so difficult to be a human!  Planet earth can be harsh in our growing experiences.  It can suck to be here from time-to-time….and it has all the opposite affects, as well.

            My best friend Nikki Fudge (alias:  my “con”-artist/illustrator” of all my books whom I met while she was in prison once said, “My way of forgiveness is “To all those I hurt, I’m sorry.  To all those who hurt me, I’m all better.”  To most of us, this simplicity doesn’t work and it takes much more effort.

            Forgiveness is the key.  We cannot ascend and go before our Creator with animosity/strong hostility, hate, revenge, envy or any of the lower 3-D attitudes.  Our attributes must reflect the spiritual principles He has embodied within us.

            So many people fail to remember (or never spiritually awakened to it yet) that WE ARE ALL ONE.  What a person does “to us,” they are actually doing to themselves and soon find themselves experiencing the harshness of reality to learn and to grow.  When we, as lightworkers, silently hope that Karma bites someone in the ass…to pay them back for what they did to us, we are keeping ourselves tightly bound on the Karmic Wheel of Misfortune.

            We have to remember that whatever someone does “to us” is a reflection of their state of human consciousness.  If their consciousness was higher, they wouldn’t do the things they have done.

            I sometimes have to remind myself to forgive someone for not living up to my expectations.  Or apologizing for not living up to theirs.  Ahhh…there is that word “expectations” again that I had to let go of and replace it with REQUIREMENTS.  I had to set the bar higher for my personal growth.

            Letting people go can be done lovingly, not necessarily in a full-blown argument or painfully.  I released people with love in each circumstance.  I can’t tell you how many times I have been chastised “for loving everyone.”  I still do…I just don’t like their behavior and cannot allow it to block me from my highest good.  Below, I am attaching one sample to show that we don’t have to make anyone wrong in order to do what is right for us.

July 7, 2023

Hi Missy!

            I can’t wait another day before I write this letter.  I don’t want you worrying about me or fretting in any way from my silence.  I assure you…I AM NOT MAD, nor did you “DO ANYTHING WRONG!

            We are in the pole shift and people and things are being moved around in accordance with God’s Will.  We just happen to be going in different directions.  You, with the “kiss on the forehead from God” are being taken to your little dream “fantasy island” with a draw bridge, a hanging sheer fairy drape, and an island designed for your wishful laying out in a bikini and catching a ray without watchful eyes.  My direction is towards the full-scale public.

            I have known for a while (but not to this degree!) that we were going to be separated.  We both feared how it would feel if we couldn’t be in contact by phone and had to depend on “psychic friend’s network.”  But I had no idea that it would occur while phones were still in operation!

            I have had God slowly pulling me back from you, but yesterday…His message was clear as a bell.  I have to let go of my “news anchor.”  It seems it is time for me to do my own complete work.  I also have to let go of my “Light House”/teacher and become it for others.  I don’t question His guidance, but it still makes me sad to have to “let go.”

            You have been a fabulous teacher and friend for me.  I appreciate all your wisdom and patient delivery.

            I love you, Missy…more than words can say.  I hope you have felt it and that it will carry you through until He allows a re-connection.

            Again, as we part, please know that the only way He could allow me to release you was with our final call, with me hearing that your dream that Jim is creating for you made your heart sing.   I only wish for your freedom from your past suffering and pain.  I am grateful that Jim is there for you when I can’t (temporarily?) be……..

            I can honestly say I don’t fully understand the 777 Portal we are passing into of today’s date for the ascension process to accelerate.  I do understand that my ways of depending upon other people’s opinions will no longer be tolerated and that I need to completely depend upon my intuition in the coming days.  You, probably more than anyone, understand what I am going through.

            Keep a log, Captain…so when the opportunity occurs that we can physically talk again…that I don’t miss out on hearing your adventures.

            I love you, Missy…

Now and always,

Gloria  ooxx

            Missy and I are One.  Some people reading this might say it is sugar-coated and I “should have” laid it out straight telling her the many times she hurt me, but my ego doesn’t need to poke her with a sharp stick in order to get my truth to her.  Maybe, just maybe with me leaving her life and no longer being a crutch – she will grow.  Perhaps she will find the strength within herself from my example to heal and accept the rope of hope to climb out of her past as I did?  Because we are One, I gave her what I most need to receive:  God’s Grace.

            Hopefully, today if you are going through cleaning house of relationships that no longer serve your highest good – you can find a tidbit or two to allow you more understanding of what is occurring in this ascension process.  Good luck!  Be kind and patient with yourselves…no one ever said that “Armageddon (the death of the human state of consciousness) would be fun!

            Until next month, take care…I care….

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

July 2023

Greetings and good afternoon from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  Each year around this time, the Valley has a “50 Mile Garage Sale.”  If you are the Garage Sale Queen like me, you don’t miss the amazing things you can find, especially in the people you meet along the way!

            For the last two days, I have shopped until I dropped.  I had my girlfriend Leslie (from Missoula) come over for a two-day slumber party to join me in the Event.  Documenting what a blast we had would fill the pages of another book.

            In our glee, we began the journey to find those things that are treasures.  Arriving at every sale, I would honestly admit that I don’t “need” anything…but willing to see what I could find that I couldn’t live without.  Leslie and I made an agreement that if we “liked” something or just admired it, we wouldn’t purchase it.  However, if we “loved” it, we would definitely consider buying it. 

            You know me well after so many years of writing these columns.  You well-know that I “live in a glass house” and “my entire life is in book form,” (the good, the bad, the ugly, the vile, the inspirational) and today doesn’t look any different than I have always been.  I am going to offer TMI more-than-likely . . .

My body grows and shrinks proportionately.  It always has.  If my hips get larger, so do my “bazoomas.”  If they shrink, so do my hips.  Throughout my life, I have had an hourglass figure. 

Well, when Covid arrived, I wore little girl’s size 12 slim pants and weighed 80 lbs.  Overnight, literally, my body reconstituted to a woman’s body.  I had worn the same kids’ jeans for years and couldn’t gain an ounce no matter how much food I stuffed into my face.  Magically, overnight, I couldn’t pull my jeans up over my thighs.  WTF?! 

Being described as a “cup half full” my entire life (and sometimes as the “eternal optimist,”) I now found myself with “my cup running over.”  Yes, with love – ALWAYS WITH LOVE, but now it also included my bra size.  I put the idea into the hopper that it might be a good plan to expand my thinking (and my lingerie) to hold these puppies.  I never told even my best friend that I needed new lingerie…but God knows my needs before I do and has better things in store for me (and all of us) than we are even aware!  (We might want to be careful what we ask for and even more mindful of those things we hold in our thoughts.)

Last year at the Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, I bought a fringed/sequined outfit.  When my daughter saw it on me, she playfully suggested that I could only be sexy one more year.  She mentioned that “at age 70, I needed to no longer dress sexily or it might scar my son-in-law for life.”   I could show him “scarred,” but I probably shouldn’t and you will hear why.  This past winter while putting wood in my stove, a burning ember jumped out and flew straight down the front of my pj’s.  If I should die before I wake and my body needs to be identified, you heard it here first…  Before I could use my bare hand to reach down into my cleavage to pull the burning ember out…I was branded for life!   

Hearing her words echoing in my head on Friday, I was in a dilemma.  

Leslie and I enjoyed meeting so many great people along the way.  At one of Leslie’s and my first sales we went to, we met Greg and Jayme.  Three things of interest here are:

  1. They happen to live in THE house that I have admired as “the most beautiful one in Stevensville.”  Every time I walked or drove by, I sighed.  I was now standing on the property and speaking with the owners.
  2. A month ago, a member of our CC (Connecting Consciousness) Gathering group gifted me with a patriotic baseball hat that is glittery and says, “Born to sparkle.”  Since its arrival, I have been looking for a sparkly outfit and shoes to wear with it to be bold (and/or outrageous!)  I never even thought it possible to discover so many choices in one place and was having so much fun.  Ol’ Dr. Glo-bug was going to lighten things up for sure with Jayme’s lovely choices to choose from.
  3. As I was preparing to check out and pay-up for the many articles I chose, Jayme happened to ask if I needed any bra’s and of course….there was no better time than the present to see what her good taste had to offer.   I am sure my eyes were round-like-saucers as I saw the lingerie, she was willing to sell.  I didn’t need to try them on because I recognized them as my next size larger and purchased the entire box to share with others.  God’s abundance was manifested in so many ways at Jayme and Greg’s home!

Each time I walked past Greg, I said, “You are a lucky man!”  His wife is beautiful from the inside out!  Call me psychic, but I would guarantee she’s a lucky woman to have him, as well.  Some things you just KNOW and psychic has nothing to do with it.  Your heart just tells you the truth…

Just before we said our goodbye’s, Greg happened to mention he liked my bumper sticker and I asked, “Which one?”  He responded, “All of them.”  You have heard me mention my patriotic addiction many times in my columns.  I have spoken of my yard decorations, but I don’t think I ever mentioned my car.  My stickers say:

  • God Bless America
  • Montana + America = Pride in State, Love for Country
  • The strongest weapon in the United States is a Patriotic American
  • Let’s Go Brandon
  • No Sissy Shit Allowed
  • United We Stand
  • I am 1776 sure no one will be taking my guns
  • Defund the Media
  • Land of the free because of the brave
  • Global 8 Prayer – STOP THE HATE, PRAY THE GLOBAL 8

Leslie and I found strength to go to the Saturday sales, as well.  Out of 50 miles of them, we only made it eight miles out of Stevensville.  “Someone talks to people everywhere she goes”……..

While at a sale, my cell phone rang.  It was my dear friend Krissie asking where I was.  I told her I was at a garage sale north of Stevensville and asked what she needed.  Her daughter and friend are here visiting from Oregon and the three women were enjoying the sales.  She mentioned that a chest she bought wouldn’t fit in her car and asked if I could bring my van to help them out.  I said, “I’ll be there in 8 minutes.”  Leslie made mention that everyone calls me, knowing I will drop everything to help them.  I didn’t know until yesterday that I had a reputation amongst people concerning that part of the role God plays through me.  We stored Krissie’s chest in my garage until she could pick it up today.

At our last sale yesterday, we met a lovely couple and assumed they were married.  We were wrong, they are neighbors…but cute as a button together and “it feels like they are a match made in heaven” (and maybe will be some day?)  I did offer my professional services to marry them.  In fact, right there in their driveway under Big Sky Montana, I found myself saying, “Dearly  Beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to join this man and woman together in holy matrimony.” 

Don (bless his heart) lost his wife in 2021.  She had an incredible amount of Boyd’s Bear snow globes, plaques, and stuffed animals.  I picked up a snow globe and wound the key and heard the most perfect tune.  I was inspired to get each one of my grandchildren one of them towards their Christmas gifts.  I asked Don how much they were and he said, “$1.00!” I cried out, “Then I want ALL OF THEM!”

Don’s eyes lit up when he heard that I give the children in my neighborhood gifts at Christmas.  He thought it would be lovely for me to get these collectibles to those who could enjoy his departed wife’s love for them.  He sold me the globes he had, but then he and his neighbor Dana put their heads together to gift the entire collection to me so I could pass them out to people as I meet them.

I was unaware until we were driving home that Leslie had told Don and Dana about my dream of having a spiritual center in the Valley, to teach people how “to go within and make their Direct Connection to God.”  As the time passed with this lovely couple, I was able to explain that I would be writing of their benevolence today in my article.  I also explained that at every workshop I teach, I will gift the workshop participants with their choice to take one home freely as a memory of the love his wife had for the collection, as well as this experience of generosity, and our day together.

As I knelt at the table where Don was wrapping each collectible, I was listening to his story about his beloved wife.  My attention was drawn to one at my eye level and I believed it to be a message from God.  I choose to keep only this ONE as a reminder of God’s Grace.  On the bottom of it, the words say, “

Boyd’s Bears & Friends:  “I always remember an epitaph…” 

“Here lies Jake Williams.  He done his damnedest.”  I think that is the greatest epitaph a man can have – when he gives everything that is in him to do the job he has before him.”  — Harry S. Truman (Edition/pc #21E/488)

My latest boyfriend continued to call me “stubborn.”  I would correct him and state, “Determined.”  I thought stubborn sounded negative and determined sounded positive.  He wasn’t my boyfriend for long……..

I was never going to apologize for being a strong woman.  It took a long walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death being violently gang raped to dead to get this strong to fulfill my destiny.  I will never give up, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP!!

The front of the collectible that caught my attention describing me has a Boyd’s Bear, wearing a backpack, and climbing a mountain.  The words say, “Press on:  Nothing in this world can take the place of perseverance.  TALENT WILL NOT; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with TALENT.  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education WILL NOT.  The WORLD IS FULL OF EDUCATED DERELICTS.  Persistence AND determination alone are omnipotent.  PRESS ON!   — Calvin Coolidge

I have prepared my entire career since 1985 for this moment in time.  I meet all the qualifications to be considered to have a Humanitarian Project and I have been holding my breath to receive the call.  I will travel to Florida for the interview with my personal provided attorney, accountant, and project manager.  I have chosen an outrageous outfit to wear to make a lasting memory of the beliefs and life experiences that bring me to now to achieve my dream.

I know how to be professional and wear the business attire to a job interview, but I represent humanity in this endeavor.  Stevensville is the oldest community in Montana and this Valley is known for Mother Mary’s appearance back in the 1800’s at St. Mary’s Mission here in downtown Stevi.  I have chosen to wear a sexy Pocahontas fringed skirt and vest with turquoise and coral jewelry to match the decorative beaded work along with a cowboy hat and boots…   (In our New World, cowboys and Native American Indians aren’t separate any longer – we are ONE.)  I will also represent our Commander & “Chief.” I have personally walked in the moccasins of Americans…. 

When chosen by Connecting Consciousness to fulfill my dream – I am required to hire CC members/my Soul “Tribe” to love humanity.  If you have talents/gifts and would enjoy working at “Mother Hope’s House” (Bitterroot Spiritual Healing Center) – please send me your resume, letting me know what capacity you might want to work in.  Perhaps you would enjoy coming to the Valley to teach workshops in your field of interest in order to inspire and teach others?  The Center’s motto will be “the most loving place on earth,” so the main qualification is how much love you have in your heart to give.  I want our guests to walk away without a shadow of doubt of God’s love, abundance, and Grace.

Leslie and I attended countless garage sales, but it wasn’t the “stuff” we acquired that gave us the joy.  It was the compassion we felt to help Krissie in a moment of need.  It was the common ground of love and generosity of Greg and Jayme and Don and Dana.  It was finding the “things” we needed for little or no out-of-pocket expense.  It was about witnessing God’s Grace in laughter and joy everywhere we went.

When love is present, it ripples out and goes into whoever is open and willing to receive it.  Two van loads of boxes filled with precious items to gift will flow freely from the core of the Bitterroot Valley, spreading across Montana and this nation.  Love rippled this weekend and will continue…this is just one of the blessings God has in store for His kids in the coming times!

Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven within and all else will be added.  Not by might, not by power, but by Thy Spirit.

Have a Happy (and safe!) 4th of July!!

Until next month, take care … I care …

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

June 2023

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I need to be honest.  I am usually so excited to sit down and write this column every month.  Yesterday, I realized that my article needs to be in to the Editor today and I couldn’t think of anything inspirational to write about.  Yikes!  Who is this person?!

            It has been a difficult month for me.  Busy, as always, helping others across the miles with healings and a listening ear.  I devoted myself to helping a friend get a space prepared to begin renting so she can continue to pay her mortgage.  I helped this same friend prepare for a garage sale to make a little extra money.  I volunteered to help both my kids in need of pet sitting while they vacationed.  Always, always….being a little Miss Do-Gooder.

            On top of daily moment-to-moment helpfulness, I have been going deeper within myself as a life-long karmic cycle was coming to an end.  Ouch!  That wasn’t very much fun – and yet I am so grateful for what it means for my future.

            I woke up two weeks ago and the first thought in my head as I was getting back into my body said, “I live in a NEW WORLD.”    Momentarily, I wondered if the entire world around me had come to an end.  As I pondered this statement, I noticed the beautiful sunshine filtering through my drapes casting a soft golden glow in the room.  I performed my routine of connecting Directly to Source, felt His Presence, and put my feet on the floor and a smile on my face to begin my day.

            With a cup of coffee in hand, I sat at the table and started reviewing possibilities of what it might mean if I lived in a New World.  My first thought wandered to no longer needing to supply loving energy to user/loser/abuser/manipulator folk that I draw like moths to the flame.

            I have actually been chastised for being Pollyanna and after I am run-over-the-top of, the cherry on top is to be told after all that giving, “It’s ON YOU!”  Giving time, energy, money, food, attention, and assistance on every level and then be told it wasn’t good enough for the one time they don’t get their way is a very big OUCH.  Yet, I still continued to love the unlovable, see the best in everyone and just continue being me. 

            Before I continue, I want to admit that I really dislike the words “soul mate” and assume it has anything to do with finding the perfect person who fulfills you.  I am in complete agreement with Wayne Dyer (may God rest his soul) who said, “A soul mate is a turd that won’t flush.”

            Soul mates can enter your life as a child, be a parent, a friend, a stranger in passing, or as a love relationship.  The term, in my opinion, means you have a karmic contract to teach one another a lesson in some form.

            As I sat thinking of all the possibilities of living in a NEW WORLD, I envisioned plenty of grand things for myself and others.  Heaven on earth can only make one imagine what it might look like.

            Imagine my dismay as a cloud of darkness hovered above me and my world with a beloved came crashing down.   Someone I enjoyed being with took off their mask for a brief moment in time which allowed me to see something that had been withheld and crossed every boundary line I have.  Oh, man.  “Go within” and discover what Spirit is telling and showing me.  For a few days in isolation examining my thoughts and actions of a lifetime became crystal clear – I was experiencing a spiritual death of myself and becoming transformed to begin an entirely new life.

            This doesn’t mean that I may not falter and fall from time to time, but it does mean that I have crystal-clear vision to see what is before me.  It means, my friend, I had a Divine Intervention moment of removing the blocks on my path to fulfill my destiny.

            If you have followed me in my columns for any length of time, you know me as the most authentic person I can be.  My life is an open book.  I live in a glass house and don’t hesitate to tell people the facts of my life, be them good or bad.

            I have had several men in my 17 years of being a widow tell me they believed I was their soul mate as we met, talked, and got to know each other better.  I cringed when I heard the words, thinking “Uh oh….what does this character have to teach me?”

            Twin Flames:  I believe in those words as a “true love relationship” where two souls make each other feel complete.  I also believe this is rare.  I always felt like my husband Kirk and I were Twin Flames.  We loved each other so deeply and brought out the best in one another.  Alas, imagine how I felt to discover that he was just a part of the line-up in the category of a Karmic Cycle once I became honest within myself.  Ugh.  That awareness was difficult to swallow!

            In my current reality, I was experiencing that I met a new friend in my life and getting to know one another was exciting and fun…until it wasn’t.  I was beginning to have tell-tale signs that something was wrong.  The passion I was feeling was dwindling and rapidly without conscious effort.  I couldn’t hug them any longer even because a distinct bad odor would arise.

            As a healer, I haven’t had a sense of smell since I went public in 1995.  I “taste” smells, which is gross as I am doing a healing and I can taste chemicals/street drug usage/alcohol/ illness/and even death coming into my sensation of awareness.  This was all happening and I was quite discouraged and ignoring it to the best of my ability.

            Still ignoring as much as I could, I was getting constant feedback that even through brief hugs, the smell/taste occurred and it permeated my home.  It wasn’t just with one individual; it was with occurring with a few people I have in my social circle.  I was confused and because I was ignoring and pretending everything was okay, the bottom fell out.

            I didn’t know how to handle it, except with honesty.   I just can’t do this any longer.  I, being a sensitive Libra/healer, I certainly didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.  But I had to look deeply at what the relationship(s) were doing as a part of my life.  I don’t need someone “stroking my ego” or “blowing smoke up my butt” to have validation or superficial support….but I also don’t need someone demeaning me and shrugging it off that it is an okay-behavior.  It is NOT OKAY!

            When we meet a new person or even if it is friends in our social circle, we attempt to show one another our best version.  We want to be liked and we also overlook some of the glitches, giving them the benefit of the doubt.  In my case, my body was showing me “signs” before my mental ability could catch up.  I could NOT ignore the signs and I had two choices.  Ignore (which I couldn’t do and remain in denial) or contemplate through meditation and going within to make healthy self-loving decisions and take physical action. 

            Me, being such an open-book with everyone, I have honestly spoken about my mom being a “rage-a-holic” throughout my life.  I have explained so many times that I have undergone emotional abuse.  When my person(s) were becoming my friends, they  withheld information that they are emotionally abusive.  Darn their bad luck….how’s that going for you now that you cannot be part of my social circle or personal life?!  The masks come off with Divine Intervention when the time is up.

            If we hang on to these people, they are blocking our growth.  We may not want to hurt them and remain “nice,” but that “nice” is not allowing you or me to move on to our greater good and live in a NEW WORLD.  It may feel hard to do.  I loved 99 things about them, but that one thing wouldn’t allow me to live in integrity with my values and self-worth. 

            When I was assaulted, I wrote a book of prevention and recovery.  How do you take such a vile subject and turn it into an inspirational book?  I call it “polishing a turd.”  A friend who experienced incest asked me to write a book about it and help people in that area.  So, I did – and “polished another turd.”  Now here today, I am polishing another one!

            Are you walking on eggshells, afraid you might say the wrong thing and have an explosion that makes you freeze and go into fight or flight?  Like I said, everyone can have a hard day and we can give them the benefit of the doubt.  When someone outright tells you they are emotionally abusive….listen.  Watch their behavior around others and animals.  People can only pretend so long. 

            Are they aggressive in public or with their neighbors?  I remember having this conversation with my granddaughters not so long ago.  I asked if they would want to grow up and be in relationships that added fear and anxiety for themselves and possibly their children.

            No.  Nope.  Nada.  Ain’t gonna happen in my reality.  I am here to make a difference, to make this world a better place to be.  If the people around me don’t support that same theme, it is “Sayonara Sucker” time…I’m outta here!  I HAVE TO STAND UP FOR WHAT I BELIEVE or I am just “another talking head” in a world filled with deceit for as long as they can get away with it.

            I have been walking merrily down my path in life, knowing how committed I am to fulfilling my destiny and dream and wondering what was taking it so long to get to.  First of all, I didn’t know the Karmic cycle of co-dependency and people pleasing that was blocking me from going forward to achieving it.  Also, NONE of my experiences have been a waste of time.  I saw the cycle repeat  over and over in relationships. Until it was in Divine Order, I couldn’t see everything clearly enough to know how to handle it.  None of this made it “wrong” or a waste of time.  Each experience prepared me for what I will be doing for others, fulfilling my destiny.

            God threw me a “fork in the road” for my highest good to lovingly get me on the right path towards achieving my goals.  OMG, for that, I will BE FOREVER GRATEFUL. 

            I have two more people to whack from my life (and I mean that in the most spiritual way).  I will do it lovingly (or NOT!) as it presents in His Timing, but they need to get their combat boots off my cape so I can get up the mountain on my own without carrying their lazy/selfish ass to the top.

            Ahhh, that cape!  I can make a tablecloth or napkins out of it for future use down the road, but I need to stop using it to carry users forward into my dream.  I have seen the light.  (I AM the light and I have seen plenty!)

            This realization comes at a perfect time, as it will for you now that you have this awareness.  Self-care is your priority.  If anyone is treating you with less than respect, it is time to go within, identify your part of this imbalance…and take steps to BALANCE IT.

            Are you frozen in fear and stuck, anxious for the dynamite blowing and possibly being injured?  I know all-too-well how that feels!  I understand, but there is a superb way around it.

            In my first marriage, I knew it was over and didn’t know how to proceed.  I lived in Texas in a 6,000 square foot home with 13 sliding glass doors that I was spritzing one afternoon.  As I cleaned the windows, I chanted,  “ALL THOSE WHO ARE NO LONGER PART OF THE DIVINE PLAN OF MY LIFE…LEAVE EFFORTLESSLY, EASILY, PAINLESSLY, PEACEFULLY, PERFECTLY (AND RIGHT F’ING NOW.)”  I ended up in divorce court so quickly, I didn’t know what hit me.  My mom later said, “I never saw such a peaceful loving divorce in all my life until now.”

            I have shared that Divine Insight with many people throughout my life and they all have experienced the truth and result.  If it is time to let someone go, let them go in a spiritual way.  After all, a NEW WORLD awaits us to all live in harmony (individually and collectively.)

            As Gloria, I didn’t think I had anything inspirational to say.  After reflective/contemplative minutes within…these words have unfolded.  I hope they are helpful to you on your journey.  Self-care!!  You are so important and God loves you so very much.  I know because I am feeling His love for you, through me.  He is waiting patiently for you to surrender to Him, allowing Him to take you the distance to your dreams, destiny, and NEW WORLD.

            Until next month, take care…I care…

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

May 2023

Good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I awoke early today knowing that my column needs to be written and submitted.  I got my coffee and settled in at the table to open my phone to answer early-morning texts. Quiet on the home front with requests, I opened Facebook to see a Meme that said, “You can’t tell me what to do – I have a granddaughter.”  Inspiration filled me with what to share today.

            Everywhere I go in public, I see things that my granddaughter loves.  Nary does a shopping trip end up without bringing her something that reminded me of her, showing her that she is always in my heart and thoughts.  To say she is spoiled is an understatement.  It doesn’t take much “out-of-pocket-expense” to prove it because she is so easy to please.  As a child, I suppose she doesn’t quite recognize the fact that I know her so well and want to SHOW her how much I love her.  She, as an 11-year-old, probably just receives the excitement that her favorite treats or things are provided.  Some day, I’m sure, she will look back on her youth and understand just how deeply loved she was/is.

            I have been fortunate to be in the delivery room with almost all of my grandchildren when they came into this world.  Lucky enough to hold some of them before even their daddy.  It warms my heart to remember.  Before I introduce you to Kathryn, I want to tell you my first experience as a grandparent watching my grandchild being born. 

            The moment I heard that my step-daughter was pregnant, I INTUIVELY KNEW I needed to be present for the birth.  I received permission to go to Lamaze with Jaime and Lee to become their labor coach.  Her water broke and Lee and I ended up in her room in the hospital together.  At one point, I was sitting in a chair in the corner, closed my eyes and opened myself to the Presence of God.  Every bit of her progression was demonstrating a forthcoming possible C-Section and I wanted to remain at peace and allow God’s Grace to go before me.

            The moment arrived.  “Houston, we have a problem.”  The doctor stated that an emergency C-Section was imminent…but only one of us could go into the operating room.  My heart sunk.  I knew Lee would want to be with Jaime.  However, I was startled by his comment, “YOU have to be with her, Gloria!”  Stunned, I replied, “But, Lee…you are the daddy – surely you want to be with her.”  He firmly said, “No!  YOU HAVE TO BE WITH HER, GLORIA!”

            Of course, I wanted to be with her and off we went.  They prepped Jaime and I was allowed into the room.  I was standing at her side with the drape on my left, stroking her hair softly and watching as the doctor put forceps up inside her.  Jaime had gained weight and although she was only 5’2” – she was a hefty 200 lb. woman laying on that table.  With the doctor’s strength, he used manly strength and pulled HARD twice on the forceps.  In my mind, I was thinking, “OMG!  He is yanking on my grandbaby’s head that hard?!”

            The doctor removed the forceps and asked for a different one.  Before he placed them inside Jaime, he bowed his head in prayer and did the Catholic hand symbol and pulled so hard, he was moving Jaime down the table towards him.  NOW I was beginning to get very concerned and still attempting to keep a calm look on my face for Jaime.

            The doctor stated firmly, “We can’t wait for the Emergency surgeon – we have to cut her open NOW.”  He stood at my left.  I was completely stunned as He used scissors to cut my step-daughter open, (not a scalpel!)  As he snipped across her abdomen, I remember thinking it sounded like he was cutting fabric, not my beloved’s skin.  He laid the scissors on her upper right thigh and opened her, gently moving organs out of his way.  Kolton was so wedged that he made an actually popping sound as he came up and out of the womb.

            Being lifted by his ankles upside down, his tiny little fingers got caught in the curvature of the scissor handles and he was dangling and screaming upside down over Jaime’s tummy.  I captured the moment on film (which dates this story!).  The doctor pulled Kolton to his chest and slowly removed the scissors from his tiny newborn hand.  I later had the film developed and framed for the doctor’s office wall with the subtitle, “What do you mean I can’t play with sharp scissors until I’m older?!”

            I was allowed to follow the nurse and baby to the nursery while they stitched Jaime.  In the warming tray that I stood next to, I rubbed my hands together and was immediately burning the stress off my grandson.  The nurse came to my side and elbowed me stating, “Get out of the way.”  I calmly said, “I’ll get out of the way WHEN I GET OUT OF THE WAY.”  I KNEW what I was doing was important to his well-being.  Moments later, I moved and sat in the rocking chair in the room.  Minutes later, she put the newborn into my arms and I got to thrill at the fact to be the first one to hold him.  I spoke, “Welcome to our family and world, Kolton!”  His eyes struggled with the bright lights in the room…but I could see that he definitely recognized my voice while he had been in the womb.

            Sadly, I knew it was time for me to “exit stage-right” and allow Lee the opportunity to hold his son.  After Lee held Kolton, he asked me to walk around the hospital to have a cigarette and calm his anxieties.  As we walked, he told me that the reason he had to let me be the one with Jaime while she gave birth was due to a dream he had recently that exposed a problem in delivery and then he saw two caskets.  Lightheartedly, I said, “Lee, if there would have been a problem – there would have been one fast f-ing resurrection.”  Emphatically, Lee responded, “THAT is EXACTLY WHY YOU had to be the one with her, Gloria!”

            In that moment, I realized WHY God had called me WITHIN to sit in the rocking chair in her room, to open myself to His Presence.  I had FELT the “electrocution of Direct Contact” with Him….letting me know that Christ was on the scene.  The human consciousness of possible tragedy had been purified, allowing His spiritual nature and reality to shine through into our physical-appearing dimension.  Amen!  (And Hallelujah, eh?!)  That birth on top of being a miracle in one’s life had transformed into a supernatural LITERAL MIRACLE, as well.  Grandparenting.  Sigh.  I HAVE LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT FROM THE VERY BEGINNING.

            I was in the delivery room when Kathryn was born 11 years ago.  I did not see her again until she was toddling.  My daughter was in the Air Force and injured through vaccinations, giving her partial seizure disorder from over-taxing her immune system.  Momma was called to the rescue to “drive Miss Daisy” and care for the children while my son-in-law was away working on the railroad. 

            I had arrived on a late night air flight while Kathryn was sleeping.  When I awoke, she was sitting and having cereal at the table.  I sat to her right, cooing to her and lightly touching her back and leg.  Her response tickles me even to this day.  Her eyes were looking directly and intently at me as her first words to Granny B popped out of her mouth.  “Who ARE you?!”

            My daughter Danielle was running late trying to get to work and she asked me that first morning to diaper and dress Kathryn.  Of course, I agreed to do so happily.  Ugh.  The war on the home front began.  “Mommy do it, mommy do it” is all she chanted as she kicked and squirmed.  I knew I was going to win – but, man, I was exhausted.  No explaining to this child would suffice. 

            I dropped Danielle at the Air Base and drove my first grade grandson Eli to school.  On the way back to the house, I was stopping to get groceries.  As I started unbuckling Kathryn, her voice (still angry from the earlier incident) was filled with anger and hatred, “I NO YIKE YOU!”  I responded in a soft voice, “I NO YIKE YOUR BEHAVIOR EITHER, but we are still going shopping, girlfriend.”

            I am beginning with this story, not only because it was truly the beginning – but to show you that since that kid could speak, she would express her true feelings and not sugar coat any of it.  I was in complete admiration of this child from the start and knew that she will grow to be a strong woman of great importance because she came into this incarnation with courage and conviction.  It doesn’t matter if it is a full-grown man (as you will soon hear), Kathryn will look eye-to-eye with anyone and state the truth.

            At age six, during a holiday meal, she sat at the head of the table to my right.  Her grandpa arrived at the table with his plate of food and asked Kathryn to go to the other end and sit at daddy’s left.  She responded, “But, Grandpa I am already eating and you are standing….why don’t you just walk to the other end of the table and sit there yourself?”  He said, “I’ll just share the chair with you.  As he planted his butt onto the chair, it pushed Kathryn to her feet.  He said, “While you are standing, grab your plate and go do as I told you to do.”

            Kathryn took her plate and sat where he had told her to do so.  She took one bite, chewed, and swallowed.  She moved her position to her knees on the chair and placed her elbows on the table.  Using her body language, she leaned towards grandpa and said, “What you did was WRONG and you know it.  YOU ARE A BULLY.  You might be older, but you are still a BULLY.”

            My pride in Kathryn’s bravery gave me a soft glow inside and it sparked my courage.  I literally stood up from the table and looked at each of our family one at a time with my last view looking directly into grandpa’s eyes.  I said, “I stand with Kathryn on this one.”

            That child has taught me repeatedly by demonstration of how to stand up and how to verbalize what you believe in.  I know that someone with that skill-set established so early from birth can be a challenge for parents or adults in positions of power, but OMG I ADMIRE HER FORTITUDE.  I tell my daughter often that Kathryn will be such a strong woman to make a difference in this world if we can just keep her alive long enough to do so…

            Last Saturday at a Jiu-Jitsu competition, this 11 year-old 60 lb./”knee-high-to-a-grasshopper” kid (Granny’s genes…sorry Kathryn!) SHINED so brightly!  She became a contender for the final match with an 180 lb. teenager.  Her daddy looked across the room at me and I lip-read, “She isn’t going to have a chance.”  Kathryn surprised Daddy and the entire audience!

            As soon as she was given permission to begin, she lunged for his upper left thigh and whipped him left and right attempting to throw him off balance.  She was stuck like glue and he couldn’t shake her and peel her off.  After countless tries, he got her little fingers undone and she immediately flew to his back like a white lightning spider monkey and laced her tiny hands around his throat in a choke hold.  You could see his embarrassment.  He was either going to go down as the Goliath that hurt the little girl or the embarrassment that this little girl kicked his ass.  He was doomed to say the least.

            The match had to begin again and again.  Even when he did get her to her back on the mat, she grabbed his lapels, wadded up into a tiny ball and was kicking him as if she was in a bike marathon with endless energy.  She succeeded to get on top of him again.  She flew from his leg to his back REPEATEDLY!  She was a wild cat and now her Daddy had to lip-read my thoughts as the competition continued, “You are going to have to carry that kid off the mat – she is giving 110% to not lose.”

            The crowd was roaring with laughter and cheers with this match to the death/to conquer.  I, personally, have never felt that level of pride.  My thoughts wandered to the future.  Knowing the wide-spread rape and abuse currently on our planet…I imagined if in her teens…any guy tries to get too friendly in taking advantage of a girl – he is going to be extremely sorry he picked on a runt for his aggressive or rude behavior.

            As I prophesied to Brandon, he carried his daughter off the mat.  The only thing she ran out of was energy to fight against someone so much larger than herself.  As they passed by me, I congratulated her and said, “Baby, Granny B would hate to meet YOU in a dark alley!”

            Often times, others have told me in admiration how much courage I have as a survivor of violent gang rape, to take such a horrific experience and write an inspirational book of prevention and recovery for others.  (To do my part to end this insanity in this generation.)  I don’t get to take credit for that on a personality level.  My soul and its contract to do so gets the credit for survival and execution to follow through.

            I knew last Saturday at the competition that this experience would become the message for this month’s column.  I hope it has reminded each of you “that a little child can lead us.”  I encourage you today to make a mental list of the different forms of courage you have exhibited and those of your children and grandchildren.  It is that courage/conviction/patriotism that had our ancestors voluntarily choosing to enlist to serve our nation.  They often times lied about their age to serve our country.  Nowadays, they give volunteers “sign-in bonuses” to dangle the carrot to serve our nation in many instances. 

            Our beautiful United States of America needs you to awaken your courage.  Without being political…because what is happening is spiritual, not political…we, the people need you to be all you can be.  We need to unite in our Oneness with one another/different views/different perspectives AND KNOW there are “five fingers, but there is only ONE HAND” to be helpful to one another.  I raised mine and said,  “I’ll help” and so I have with yet another column this month.

            “When I grow up, I want to be just like Kathryn and never give up, NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER GIVE UP!  Growing old is mandatory (in a human state of consciousness) – but growing up is optional, I’m told.

            Unfortunately, there are some crazy times ahead…inspired by some mentally ill individuals to cause havoc and chaos for humanity.  This column will hopefully trigger many of you to stand in your power, don’t get caught up in the drama, remain at peace, and awaken your courage to hold the line (of love).  Now will be the time to extend your helping hand to lift others He places on your path.  STAY FOCUSED.  YOU CAN DO IT.  DO NOT QUIT!

            Until next month, take care…I care….

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”