July 2022

Greetings, good morning, and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY gentlemen!  (As well as single mommy’s who play that role, as well.)  I hope each of you are being showered with love and appreciation today.

It has been a busy month since I last wrote.  There have been highlights and lowlights, of course.  That is just called life on planet earth.  Miraculous healings occurred instantaneously.  I am hardly surprised at all by anything placed before me after all these years.  As my home is a Healing Center, it is open to people to call at any hour of the day or night without judgment.  My home is a refuge as a church would (or should) be at any hour and why I sometimes refer to it “As the House of God.”

Receiving a call to arrive at 11:30 p.m. a woman brought me an ill dog because she couldn’t afford an emergency Vet bill.  Quickly, I was able to calm the dog’s pounding heart and anxiety and I soon discovered that this time together was only to give the woman three more days to ease her more comfortably into the transition of her pet.  We, who have loved an animal like a child, know these feelings well.

When she realized the inevitable, she texted and asked if I would drive to her home and keep her from jumping off a bridge.  Was she joking?  If you received a text like that, would you “blow it off” or would you respond and not take any chances of her being serious?  A cry for help is a cry for help.  We are “our brother’s (sister’s) keeper,” so before I jumped into the car and drove to Missoula to spend a couple days with her, I responded: 

“No bungy jumping allowed.  You wouldn’t succeed.  He would pull you back up and let you bounce a few times to shake the shit out of you and then set you right back on your path, a little dizzy and dazed………but HERE to hold the line with love that you signed up for.  Just sayin’….none of us get off that easy right now at this critical time.

If it was that easy to bail right now, I would be standing on the bridge with you, holding your hand, and screaming GERONIMO as we fearlessly jumped together.

Yep, we are in this together.  You jump, I jump.  You stay, I stay.  We just keep holding hands.  In it together.”

Daily life, on planet earth since 2020, has been quite a ride.  I am aware of the corruption and lies, keeping myself aware – but not immersed in the human scene.  This helps me stand readily available to give comfort to a grieving pet owner, heal someone across the miles from accidental poisoning, and a myriad of other possible tragedies.  

Those who call for assistance begin their conversations with, “I know how busy you are, Gloria, but…………….”  I am busy, but never too busy to take a phone call for “a little extra love” comfort or healing.  It is a part of my purpose – to be my “brother’s (sister’s) keeper,” to help them through their current “bump in the road” on this planet.

I was recently approached by the Connecting Consciousness.org group to be an Event Host in the Bitterroot’s Stevensville area.  In March of 2020, I stopped watching Mainstream News completely.  I looked at alternative news, filtering out the false “programming” and looking for a narrative that touched my heart/soul strings, resonating with the truth.  On that path, I discovered Simon Parkes in the United Kingdom.  His voice was gentle and soothing, he wasn’t into “fear porn” or being dramatic with “end of the world” scenarios.   Simon became a trusted voice for me.  I admired his vision and joined to be one of 200,000 members on his spiritual team.

I began going to every meeting in Montana that was offered.  I chose to be actively involved and volunteered my house, time, and energy to meet people in Montana as we prepare for humanitarian projects, disclosure, and rebuilding all nations spiritually.

When I was approached to be an Event Host, which entailed providing support for local members by giving them a place to meet, a snack, updates, and being a person “with skin on” to talk to – I was absolutely thrilled to accept such a position.  I have already been “doing the job” since 2020.  In reality, I have been doing it all my life by “being my brother’s (sister’s) keeper.”

I will have a face-to-face interview with Simon Parkes on June 28th.  The Montana Coordinators who suggested that I fill out an application for the position are absolutely convinced I am a perfect person for the job.  If me being me is being the perfect person for the job, well then, I don’t have too much to worry about.  Since LuAnn Stallcop “took me public” in 1995, I have been a Disclosure Rehab and Recovery Center for thousands-upon thousands of people.  The Montana Coordinators have only recently met me, coming to my home to watch me in action and receiving individual healings following the meeting. 

Connecting Consciousness.org is the world’s largest spiritual group and I am so proud and happy to be part of it.  If you are interested in providing support in your area, it is an easy and free sign up.  You will meet individuals of like mind/purpose to help this planet through the disturbing process of awakening.  Each state has coordinators, providing meeting dates to join together.  You will also receive support in so many ways and you will be dazzled by all the talented people you will meet. 

You may have often wondered, “Where are all God’s people – those of us who volunteered to be of service at the most exciting time on Planet Earth?”  People you can identify with will be coming out of the woodwork at your local meetings.  They are compassionate and so gifted in every area you can imagine. 

Simon Parkes and his wife, Becky, living seven hours ahead of me in London . . . probably never sat around during their life, thinking they would be the Co-Founders of such an immense vision/mission.  I would certainly assume they quickly discovered a need and found a way to fill it.  Together, they laid the foundation and seekers found their way to them.  Selfless souls attracting selfless souls who plan to push back against the powers to contribute loving action steps towards the ascension on planet Earth.  There is no “I” in team.  Teamwork makes the dream work.

Simon and Becky weren’t selfishly just looking to heal their country with this organization.  They had a broader vision of “being their brother’s (sister’s) keeper” and have members from all around the globe joining to counter-attack by reuniting the families and nations.  (Loving thy neighbor as thy self.)  Together, we produce a world worth living in.

I have heard so many people say, “I wish I knew what my purpose is.”  I get it.  I wondered, too, until I didn’t.  I never meant to have 11 books in print, establish a prison ministry, get a Ph.D., or any of the other accomplishments.  I was a “normal/common housewife/mother” when God showed up.  I was busy just living my life and thinking I had a mind of my own (which is WHY I had to stop watching Mainstream News in 2020 and no longer watching cable TV “programming.”)  It all changed when I gave up the mind of my own, realizing a Greater Mind was within me.  By making my Direct Contact with God, He thereafter lives life through me and He reveals the spiritual nature within my consciousness, resulting as the accomplishments. 

I have to admit – it has been fun being along for the ride……………  He can only work through you when you acknowledge He is within you.  He cannot work through a selfish heart.

I did a Zoom Call for Montana CC members a couple weeks ago.  I mentioned, “In the Bible, it says that ten righteous men can save a city.”  I followed with, “A hundred Connecting Consciousness members could save the world.”

I remember back to my initial spiritual awakening days when I looked forward to making a difference in this world, doing it in a grandiose way.  As those ego-traits were burned off, I remain currently with excitement to meet each new member/person in passing/or group . . . that within that opportunity, I might get to meet the One who will do just that.  My ego doesn’t need o be out front on stage in a spotlight any more.  I get the pleasure of just getting to be part of the process.

Your purpose?  My purpose?  To be our authentic selves.  As we plug our 110 Volt human into 220 Volt Divine, He lives through us and fulfills Himself with Divine Intelligence and Design.  I generally state, “I keep my head down, don’t be an asshole and part of the problem, chop wood, carry water, and be a part of the solution as He places people on my doorstep or telephone.”  This advice keeps me from being involved with the world’s drama.  Being in the world, but not part of it.  Stay focused.  Don’t invite other people’s drama intentionally.  If God places them before you, He will give you the tools and awareness to handle it/nullify the effects.

I am my “brother’s (sister’s) keeper” and do whatever He/intuition guides me to do.  Maybe that means givimg a woman refuge from domestic violence at midnight, maybe feed a group event of Connecting Consciousness members spiritual and physical food.  Maybe, just maybe my purpose was to think ahead and plant a community neighborhood garden out front in plain sight along my driveway where my neighbors can get fresh food in the coming times if they can’t afford it because they had to spend their money on gas to get to work to keep a roof over their head.

No one gets to jump off a bridge while under my watch.  Simon Parkes’ voice, as I said, is gentle, loving, and kind.  There is NO FEAR when he speaks.  I resonate with that.  Fear has been a useful tool against humanity in the past (the key words here meaning IN THE PAST.)  Your purpose?  Just keep being the wonderful YOU, keeping your brothers and sisters calm while in the storm of their daily living and forthcoming days.   Empower them with your example.

Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”)