September 2023

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I hope you are all enjoying your summer.  I have especially loved eating fresh tomatoes I grew this year because I “spoke them into existence” with gratitude and encouragement.  I spoke to them lovingly with appreciation every morning as I watered them.  I proudly showed them off to everyone who stopped by.  Am I crazy?  Probably…but crazy works for me!

            I take every opportunity to help people smile and laugh.  In this crazy upside-down world, we have to find happiness right where we are and expand on it to keep the frequency of love as high as we can to off-set the negativity that surrounds us.  I AM ON IT from the time my feet touch the floor each day.

            Last Saturday, I attended a Connecting Consciousness meeting in Missoula.  Knowing that afterwards, my friend Leslie and I were going to the Fair, I dressed appropriately in my western hat, boots, and a fringed outfit.  YeeHawwww!

            When I arrived, I received compliments on the outfit and explained why.  Our Event Host asked me why going to the Fair was important to me.  I responded that I had to go get a corn dog.  Even though I had worked in a corn dog booth at a Fair in my youth and “knew better,” I have to get one because they are the epitome of a County Fair in my memories.

            He (Kevin) asked if we would be riding the rides and I responded, “Leslie said NO.”  He asked, “But, what does Gloria have to say about that?”  I stated, “Well, I do love to ride the Ferris wheel and I would love to kiss as it gets my seat to the top…but I don’t think Leslie will go for that!”

            When Leslie and I stood in line to get my desired corn dog, our view of people watching had our eyes on teenage girls who were wearing their bra on the outside of their clothing.  Other teens had cut their shorts off so short mid-way up the pockets so their hineys were hanging out the bottom in full view.  We didn’t need to worry about the message they were giving young men because their make-up of eye-liner and mascara was so perfectly applied, that they were beautiful!

            I could have shaken my head until it fell off my neck!  What a different world we live in!  It makes me yearn for yester-year of what we all thought was “normal.”  I even had a visiting 12-year-old in my home trying to red-pill my granddaughter Kathryn with the insanity on this planet.  She argued vehemently that our earth is NOT flat and completely ignored his comments about what we are eating at fast food restaurants.

            One of my granddaughters told me last year that she is lesbian.  I wondered how she could possibly know at her tender age when she hasn’t even been kissed by a boy (or!) girl yet?  She has been being groomed in her school.  It is shocking and sad.  To quote Derek Johnson (a YouTube independent journalist), “If God doesn’t do something to correct the world the way it is, He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” 

In my opinion and belief, God isn’t “going to do anything that He isn’t already doing” through you and me.  God is Omnipresent, which means everywhere present and His Presence is IN THE PRESENT moment, not tomorrow or in a month or decade.  HE is active right here and right NOW through YOU AND ME.

            To keep our frequency high enough, we must rise above judgment of  human good and bad BECAUSE HE IS ONLY GOOD.  We must remain in love, with consideration, compassion, kindness, and the values that God IS.

            As an example, I was driving into Missoula a week ago.  I was stopped at the red light, waiting to turn onto Highway 93 to head towards Missoula.  A truck behind me was laying on his horn, wanting me to get a move on it so he could do the same.  His continued honking was annoying to say the least.  Honking suggests that we are stupid and trying to manipulate us into  thinking we are doing something wrong.

            Did I feel anger?  Yes!  But did I take action on it?  No.

            A string of cars, like rush-hour in a large city has added an unusual amount of traffic in the Bitterroot that we aren’t used to.  I was being careful and even imagined that I was saving this guy’s life by not pulling out into it needlessly.  I envisioned that he would be injured unnecessarily if I allowed him access to the oncoming traffic.

I wondered how to handle this situation in a spiritual manner in my mind’s eye.  I “saw” that I got out of my car and walked back to his truck.  As he rolled down his window to this pint-sized munchkin that I am, I would state with authority, “If you don’t lay off that horn, I am going to send a blast of love to your heart so strongly that it is going to knock you on your butt and you won’t be able to stand for a couple days with its force.  While you are sitting there, I hope you will

  • ponder that God put me before you today to teach you how to slow down,
  • be considerate,
  • You might act this way where you came from, but we don’t act like that here in the Root,
  • have some patience to learn that He loves you so very much,
  • and He just wants you and everyone around you to get safely to your destination.”

The light turned green and I made my righthand turn.  As the truck passed me, he waved (instead of flipping me off,) saw my smile and he lip-read my, “Have a great day!”

When I arrived in Missoula at the Junction of Reserve, the right side of the two-lane turn lane was blocked.  The right lane I was in was blocked with a stalled car.  One after another, the cars in front of me were feeding into the left turn lane as they could.  As I came upon the stalled car, I got out and walked up to the young kid who was frantic from all the honking that had occurred with him.

            He opened his door with a phone in his hand, apologizing that he was trying to get help to get out of the way of others.  I smiled and said, “I’m not here to see if you are doing anything about that – I am checking on YOU.”  I ASKED, “Is THERE ANYTHING I can do to help YOU?”  He was stunned.that I would even care or take action…no one prior to me had done so.

            God always gives us everything we need, usually before we know we need it.  Two days prior, I sat and listened to a woman who had stalled her car at a light and how anxious she felt and how the honking just made her anxiety worse.  She was a mess trying to get her car re-started.  With this experience being shared, I had the solution in my awareness of how to handle it.

            So many people are rushing about, forgetting or not aware of what it would be like to be in these positions.  As lightworkers here on this planet at this destined time are empaths to show consideration to those who are hypnotized by these dramatic events surrounding us.  We are here to be part of the solution, not part of the problem…….

            My friend Leslie lost her sister Nancy last December.  If you have lost a loved one and know the grief that consumes you, you will understand how difficult it is to find motivation to let go ot things following the loss.  In August, I helped her have two garage sales to let go of Nancy’s possessions.  It isn’t easy.  The memories  choke you and the sentiment hangs on for dear life without someone’s help.

            Last month, I wrote about letting go of people who no longer served my highest good.  This month, it was time to let go of my own things that are no longer useful and I willingly and cheerfully set things out in my front yard with Leslie’s that we brought to the Valley from Missoula.  We know how to have a garage sale!  Phew!  My yard was FULL and we met so many wonderful people while doing it.

            I was playful, as usual!  I used my spiritual gifts on many occasions with buyers.  A truck was passing the house and I used the Titanic movie of Rose blowing the whistle to be rescued, “Come back, come back!” directing him to come back to the sale because I had golf clubs to sell. He was headed up the street, but actually turned around.  He got out of his vehicle and came directly to me saying he was looking for left-handed golf clubs for his mother – and Voila!  There they were.  In moments, he paid and off he went….

            One of our buyers stopped because of my patriotic yard.  He was enamored with my large Eagle/lantern/flag lawn ornament.  As he looked at my patriotic attire and hearing that I am addicted to patriotism, we found common ground.  He owns a patriotic museum here in Stevensville and invited me to come quench my thirst to see his collection for the community.

            On the second day of our sale, he returned with a gift for me.  He graced me with a framed patriotic print of a poem that says:


            WE ARE AMERICA…

            The heart of a world seeking freedom and peace.  We are the east and the west, the north and the south – one people embracing many.  We are a legacy of courage with a destiny for greatness.  We are history and prophecy, liberty and home, refuge and vision.

            So we lift up our light as a beacon of hope, with this prayer to our God and Creator.  Make us a people who care and who comfort.  Let us reach out a welcoming hand to the homeless, the helpless, the hurting, the hungry.  Let us fulfill God’ great plan for our land.  Let our gift to the nations be love.  (B. J. Hoff)

Steve A. Stopher, (S.E.A. Vet/307 HSS Combat Intel) the founder of the MILITARY HISTORY ON TOUR here in Stevensville invites people to his museum to see his professional displays and museum of military artifacts and collectibles, all branches.  It serves veterans functions, memorial events, POW/MIA CEREMONIES, MILITARY REUNIONS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.  His lovely wife Linda, the Event Coordinator and Cold War Vet supports his dream.  You can contact Steve at 406-240-0114 for further details.

I have made a new friend in Steve.  You always know when God has His Hand on a meeting such as ours.  When he returned the second day of our garage sale to ask where I bought my lawn ornament Eagle, I told him it was from the Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Missoula.  However, I had purchased it for my Memorial Day decorations and I wasn’t sure they would still have another one.  I offered to donate my Eagle to him for his collection and he insisted that he pay for it, along with making a plaque stating that I had donated it due to my love for it, as well.  In my opinion, that wasn’t necessary.  I believed it would be enjoyed by far more in his museum than sitting in front of my home for neighbors and the few in town who might drive by.  It is a win/win by meeting Steve!

He returned a day later, gifting me with a new U.S. flag and a POW/MIA flag…my first and most-treasured!

I have told you in many columns of my love for God, Country, and humanity as a whole.  My pride in my two children (and son-in-law) for serving this nation, only to come home disabled keeps me daily grateful that they came home at all after their service.

I have been patriotic my entire life, watching and weeping involuntarily at every parade that my dad and other Veterans walked down the street, representing the VFW.  To this day, my eyes leak and I have to swallow my choking sobs as the Star-Spangled Banner plays.  I cannot sing the words or I will outright start bawling.

In 2020, my patriotism deepened.  My love for God, Country, and humanity became an unfathomable enormous passion that I daily leak as much to others, as possible.  As a healer who went public in 1995, I have experienced thousands healed of cancer and countless unimaginable illnesses…only to hear God state in 2010, “Man will always be in conflict.  Allow humanity to take care of the things they can take care of, so you have time to be my instrument of peace.”  My workshops came to an end and people lined up for healings waned … as I grow deeper in love for the whole of humanity,

I AM love.  A walking/talking demonstration of God in action.  I wouldn’t know how to even stop being me, NOR WOULD I WANT TO.  I AM here today, to let YOU KNOW HOW MUCH “I” LOVE YOU.  If we are ever-so-fortunate to meet one another “with skin on,” “I” will prove it to you.  Until then, you have my word…”I will be with you always, even until the end of the earth,” “I” just may come to you in another form than the one who looks like…

…Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”

P.S.  Until next month, take care…I care…