August 2023

Greetings and good morning, everyone!   What a beautiful day in the Bitterroot Valley!  It is hot and I am loving every single second of it and am immensely enjoying “our six days of summer” in Montana.

            Knowing yesterday that my column was due today, I wondered what message was in my soul to offer today.  I went to bed at midnight last night and awoke at 2 a.m. with a nightmare/very clear message of what my day would bring.  I believe I will “polish this turd” and turn it into yet another inspirational message for you.

            My past two months have been spent in cleaning house.  Not my physical structure that I live in, per say, but my emotional and mental house.  Digging deep into relationships that no longer serve my highest good.  The prerequisite to remaining part of my life depends on three things and is not dependent on how many months or years these people have been part of my life.

  • Would I be willing to live their lives?  No matter how profound their advice is, are they living up to their own advice?  If not, they are unqualified.
  • For 38 years, I have had individuals want to share in my dream.  They have believed that I either already had money or would become affluent and hung onto my cape for dear life.  I had to ask myself, “What have they done to help me achieve my dream and to bask in the outcome?”  I had to be honest and ask myself, “What do they bring to the table?  If their efforts had to carry the dream to fruition, would it fall flat or succeed?”
  • Is there RECIPROCITY?  I planted seeds long ago and the harvest is about to take place.  My dream cannot unfold in a “victim state of mentality” that I acquired following my violent assaults.  I had to raise my consciousness back up to where I was before that occurred and could only be achieved by forgiveness of my enemies.

I am at the point in my life where I no longer have expectations, I have REQUIREMENTS.  Respect my time, match my effort, always be honest, and stay consistent.  These are my requirements, not expectations.

            In a recent column, I told you I woke up one morning and heard, “I live in a new world,” and my first thought was, “no more user/abuser/loser/manipulator relationships.”  My house cleaning began, as is happening to many people on the planet right now.  Letting go of people and things that no longer serve our highest good.  We cannot ascend and take “this world” of people pleasing and co-dependency with us.  The housecleaning begins within ourselves and being accountable for our side of the pancake.  I had to accept my part as allowing people to take advantage of me.

            I had a 25-year friendship with a narcissist and I loved her dearly.  Everyone in her life, including her children had abandoned her.  I continued to remain to show that someone cared and years down the road, I was still listening to “her story” of her “his tory.”  It was evident that she was stuck, but being a “know-it-all”/non-stop talker that wouldn’t let me get a word in edge-wise was frustrating for me.  I had to finally let go and go with the flow of where God wanted me to be to fulfill my destiny.  Is it sad?  Oh, hell yeah…it is tragic to me. 

            Hours upon hours of negative conversation to be heard, repeats-upon-repeats, finally got unacceptable.  I still love her with all my heart, but the unhealthy relationship had to end.   I had been ignoring my intuition repeatedly and I could no longer please her and please myself at the same time.  I had to choose me.

            Ending a Karmic Cycle sounds good in theory, but the process is painful as well.  I have been experiencing grief from letting go of seven people in my life.  I am quite positive that they are all in shock that I would release them, even with the loving way it was fulfilled.

            I have been in deep contemplation of all those who have hurt me…and taking responsibility and accountability of all those I may have hurt.  Listening to the way I speak to others about past injustices allows me to see where unforgiveness still lingers in my heart.  When they come to mind, I pray 70 x 7 forgiving as the hurts and angers come forth like the layers of an onion.  We sometimes think we have forgiven, only to still feel a thread of anger or frustration in our feelings through the charge of emotion.  Then it is “back to the drawing board” to heal yet another aspect of ourselves.

            Years ago, while my kids were in school, I was meditating while lying on the living room love-seat.  (Yes, I fit on a love-seat laying down!)  During the meditation, two “light-beings” appeared in my inner vision.  The first one handed me a lighted white candle and said, “You are a light-bearer for all nations.”  The second one handed me a lighted white candle that transformed into a scroll as I received in it hand as “he” said, “And a messenger for all people.”

            As I unrolled the scroll to read it, it was blank and I asked, “What is the message I am being asked to share?”  He responded, “The message is within your soul.”

            How does one find the soul?  What is the friggin’ message?  Did this mean that I was going to have a “grand slam New York Times bestselling book?”  No.  (And maybe?  And, who really cares?)  My message for humanity is my testimony of spiritually awaking, teaching others how to go within to the Kingdom of Heaven where all else will be added.  It is my testimony of daily living of being raped to dead…being knocked on my ass and all I can do is look at the stars because I can’t get out of fetal position even to get up and get moving.  In fact, it’s all I can do to get my teeth brushed and maybe get a dishwasher going and make my bed.

            But, laying in that position so long and just looking at the stars gets boring after a while and then you decide to get up off your butt and BECOME A STAR to light the way for others.

            I am just around the corner to having all my dreams come true.  I tease myself in my thoughts that overnight success took me about 64 years to achieve.  I am driven.  I knew at age 5, the first time I healed a kindergarten stranger that I had something very important to do for humanity.

            Those experiences that formed me as a youth of being a people pleasing co-dependent were created for my survival, but my past is my past and has no room in my future.

            It is so difficult to be a human!  Planet earth can be harsh in our growing experiences.  It can suck to be here from time-to-time….and it has all the opposite affects, as well.

            My best friend Nikki Fudge (alias:  my “con”-artist/illustrator” of all my books whom I met while she was in prison once said, “My way of forgiveness is “To all those I hurt, I’m sorry.  To all those who hurt me, I’m all better.”  To most of us, this simplicity doesn’t work and it takes much more effort.

            Forgiveness is the key.  We cannot ascend and go before our Creator with animosity/strong hostility, hate, revenge, envy or any of the lower 3-D attitudes.  Our attributes must reflect the spiritual principles He has embodied within us.

            So many people fail to remember (or never spiritually awakened to it yet) that WE ARE ALL ONE.  What a person does “to us,” they are actually doing to themselves and soon find themselves experiencing the harshness of reality to learn and to grow.  When we, as lightworkers, silently hope that Karma bites someone in the ass…to pay them back for what they did to us, we are keeping ourselves tightly bound on the Karmic Wheel of Misfortune.

            We have to remember that whatever someone does “to us” is a reflection of their state of human consciousness.  If their consciousness was higher, they wouldn’t do the things they have done.

            I sometimes have to remind myself to forgive someone for not living up to my expectations.  Or apologizing for not living up to theirs.  Ahhh…there is that word “expectations” again that I had to let go of and replace it with REQUIREMENTS.  I had to set the bar higher for my personal growth.

            Letting people go can be done lovingly, not necessarily in a full-blown argument or painfully.  I released people with love in each circumstance.  I can’t tell you how many times I have been chastised “for loving everyone.”  I still do…I just don’t like their behavior and cannot allow it to block me from my highest good.  Below, I am attaching one sample to show that we don’t have to make anyone wrong in order to do what is right for us.

July 7, 2023

Hi Missy!

            I can’t wait another day before I write this letter.  I don’t want you worrying about me or fretting in any way from my silence.  I assure you…I AM NOT MAD, nor did you “DO ANYTHING WRONG!

            We are in the pole shift and people and things are being moved around in accordance with God’s Will.  We just happen to be going in different directions.  You, with the “kiss on the forehead from God” are being taken to your little dream “fantasy island” with a draw bridge, a hanging sheer fairy drape, and an island designed for your wishful laying out in a bikini and catching a ray without watchful eyes.  My direction is towards the full-scale public.

            I have known for a while (but not to this degree!) that we were going to be separated.  We both feared how it would feel if we couldn’t be in contact by phone and had to depend on “psychic friend’s network.”  But I had no idea that it would occur while phones were still in operation!

            I have had God slowly pulling me back from you, but yesterday…His message was clear as a bell.  I have to let go of my “news anchor.”  It seems it is time for me to do my own complete work.  I also have to let go of my “Light House”/teacher and become it for others.  I don’t question His guidance, but it still makes me sad to have to “let go.”

            You have been a fabulous teacher and friend for me.  I appreciate all your wisdom and patient delivery.

            I love you, Missy…more than words can say.  I hope you have felt it and that it will carry you through until He allows a re-connection.

            Again, as we part, please know that the only way He could allow me to release you was with our final call, with me hearing that your dream that Jim is creating for you made your heart sing.   I only wish for your freedom from your past suffering and pain.  I am grateful that Jim is there for you when I can’t (temporarily?) be……..

            I can honestly say I don’t fully understand the 777 Portal we are passing into of today’s date for the ascension process to accelerate.  I do understand that my ways of depending upon other people’s opinions will no longer be tolerated and that I need to completely depend upon my intuition in the coming days.  You, probably more than anyone, understand what I am going through.

            Keep a log, Captain…so when the opportunity occurs that we can physically talk again…that I don’t miss out on hearing your adventures.

            I love you, Missy…

Now and always,

Gloria  ooxx

            Missy and I are One.  Some people reading this might say it is sugar-coated and I “should have” laid it out straight telling her the many times she hurt me, but my ego doesn’t need to poke her with a sharp stick in order to get my truth to her.  Maybe, just maybe with me leaving her life and no longer being a crutch – she will grow.  Perhaps she will find the strength within herself from my example to heal and accept the rope of hope to climb out of her past as I did?  Because we are One, I gave her what I most need to receive:  God’s Grace.

            Hopefully, today if you are going through cleaning house of relationships that no longer serve your highest good – you can find a tidbit or two to allow you more understanding of what is occurring in this ascension process.  Good luck!  Be kind and patient with yourselves…no one ever said that “Armageddon (the death of the human state of consciousness) would be fun!

            Until next month, take care…I care….

Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”