January 2023

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  A fire is burning gently in my wood stove keeping me toasty warm against the outside elements of nearing 16 degrees below zero.  The wind is howling outside and my large wind chimes are either delighting or frustrating my neighbors. 

Like you, I have been busy building to the crescendo of the holiday season.  A mountain of Chex Mix placed in beautiful Christmas tin containers has been delivered to each of my neighbors this year.  I offered an apology that I decided not to put them all into a “sugar coma” with the overly-sized plate of all the Christmas cookies and fudge I normally make.  I told them that I would hold out for “unsuspecting strangers” to receive that amazing treat this year!  I got all the Rum Cakes delivered to the local businesses to thank them for their service all year and to show my appreciation and love.  Numerous cookie trays have found their way to many first-timers, all delighted to receive the food made with loving hands and heart.

As I was driving to (my best friend) Nancy Whitman’s Memorial Service on the 9th of December, I was rehearsing what I might say that evening in regards to my feelings of having her in my life.  I began to weep.  Driving with tears is dangerous, so I removed my glasses and wiped them and swallowed the lump in my throat.  Down the road, I gave my thoughts a second chance to prepare for what I might say publicly and I had to regain my balance a second time.  I was torn inside.  If I couldn’t prepare my thoughts in private, what made me think I could say these things in public without crying?

I arrived an hour early to help her sister get things set up before people started arriving.  Several people had volunteered to help.  As I was bringing my last load of food in and plugging in a crock pot of casserole, we all heard a shish/bang/BOOM as a table was dropped on the floor.  I turned to look and one of the volunteers had slipped and fallen flat on his back HARD.

Before I explain this incident, I need to return to waking up that morning.  As I was getting back into my body, I became aware of the Violet Light/Healing Christ Consciousness gathering in my inner vision.  From the center of my vision and Soul, I watched the light gather, pulse, and begin flowing outwardly – taking up the entire circumference of my sight. I sighed, knowing that “Christ was going before me, preparing my way and day, and knowing that He would perfect and perform what was given for me to do.”  Assurance like that allowed me to place my feet on the floor and a smile on my face, wondering what amazing things would be forthcoming.

Kevin had volunteered to bring his guitar and sing three of Nancy’s favorite John Denver songs, but alas, he was splayed out on the floor and hurtin’ for certain!  I walked the length of the large room to approach him peacefully and with great calm, rubbing my two hands together for what would be forthcoming.  To quote Jennifer Gerelds, “When we approach the people and circumstances of life confident in who God created us specifically to be, we usher breathtaking beauty and perspective into this world.”  As I neared his side, I overheard one of the women volunteers excitedly share, “Make room – we have a healer in the crowd!”  I playfully responded, “No one should ever leave home without one….”

I overheard Nancy’s sister Leslie ask Kevin if he wanted her to call 911 and he said no.  I could hear her “inner inaudible-to-others-dialogue,” …”This is the LAST thing we needed to happen with the stress level I already feel!”  Bless her heart – anyone who has lost someone and has to write an obituary and prepare a Memorial Service to give others closure while in this beginning state of grief, knows EXACTLY how Leslie was feeling!

People surrounding Kevin helped him slowly get up off the floor and into a chair.  He described his severe pain as a rib, not broken…but displaced.  I placed my rubbed hands on top of his head and began my process of giving him “a little extra love.”  Honestly, as a healer, I don’t have the right or ability to “withhold love.”  But, as a human, I didn’t feel qualified right then.  I, too, am in a state of grief.  My heart has broken with this loss.  But we discover that even shattered people can be used by God before He puts all our “Humpty Dumpty parts and pieces back together, again.”

As a healer, I am NEVER trying to fix/heal people’s human boo-boos.  I am an instrument to lift their human consciousness into a spiritual state of consciousness where everything is already perfect and reveals itself outwardly.   I am quieting myself, listening to inner dialogue and guidance of where to move my hands to burn off trauma, and watching the light.  I am busy FEELING what they feel so I know where to place my hands.  As I was proceeding with quietude, Kevin was bossing me to move my hands to where he felt his pain.  I explained calmly that I would, but I was a little busy doing what God wanted me to do and following the Infinite Invisible’s instructions.

I know I was frustrating Kevin by not doing what he thought I should be doing, as he was frustrating me by drawing my attention away from “my Boss.” 

From shoulder-to-shoulder across the top of his back and up into the right side of his neck was HOTTER THAN A TWO-DOLLAR PISTOL!  The heat went down his right arm, below his “Popeye Muscle,” into the inside of his elbow and to the wrist.  This imbalance of energy was being rebalanced quickly and the trauma was being “burned off” for preventative problems down the road….

Kevin was insisting that he wouldn’t be able to sing tonight and that he needed a chiropractor.  Just as he said those words aloud, the door to assistance through me slammed shut with a mighty thud.  “Gloria didn’t do that…his limitation of receiving did.”  Patty, a member of my monthly CC gathering had just arrived to say her goodbyes to her beloved Nancy.  She approached us and asked what was going on.  I explained briefly and Kevin cried out a second time, “I need a chiropractor!” 

Remember my “wake-up call” that morning?  Christ had gone before me and prepared my way?  Patty smiled and said, “I am not a chiropractor, but I am an Osteopath.”  She stepped in and within less than five minutes, she took care of that displaced rib and Kevin sang like a canary for the Service!  I have been packing around a “Mustard Seed of Faith” for a while now.  I offered it to Nancy on her deathbed and she refused, “Save it for someone else.”  I offered it to Kevin and he denied it, too.  I got to use it this past week, but that story will have to wait for another column to be shared.  God doesn’t just give us one Seed…they are infinitely given, as needed!

During the service, the Chaplain walked around with a microphone for guests to share their loving experiences with Nancy.  I sat quietly, rehearsing my fears of crying in public.  I surprised even myself as I heard my voice speaking without my permission, “I am willing to feel my fear and do it anyway!”  With microphone in hand, I began stating how Nancy and I had met two years prior.

            Nancy posted a picture of her dog Dosha on Facebook.  Her dog’s head was hanging out the back window of her car with a smile on her face!  I KNEW I HAD TO MEET THAT DOG!  God works in mysterious ways, eh?  I wrote to Nancy on Messenger and said something lame, I’m sure, “I know this will sound crazy…but from the core of my being…I KNOW I need to meet that dog!”  She responded, “I read your book, “Go Within or Go Without,” and I have ALWAYS wanted to meet YOU!”  She lived 16 minutes away from me and we met on my back porch in the summer of 2020 during the beginning of crazy on our planet.  It was love at first sight.  God used a dog…it was Nancy that I was destined to meet!

            Nancy mentioned that afternoon that her sister Leslie had always wanted to meet me, as well, so we set up a second play date and we all immediately became best friends.  What Nancy and Leslie felt while around me or in my home, they soon realized they had a role to play in my life, as well.  They witnessed me “feeding the masses, helping the homeless, healing the sick and broken hearted, loving the unlovable, being patient with the mentally ill, and financially assisting when possible.”  They experienced me pouring love out to everyone who crossed my path and decided to do that for ME!

            I was given a key to their home (and heart.)  I was given a bedroom and invitation to come any time of night or day if I just needed someone to pour love back into me.  We had lots of slumber parties and they listened non-judgmentally as I needed to vent.  I received as many hugs and “goodnight/I love you’s” as needed.  Imagine these words spoken with longgggg pauses at the Memorial, through tears.  The lump in my throat blocked these words and so many more I could have spoken if I could have.

            Many guests said later that they couldn’t speak aloud after me because they knew they would have done the same thing…..  But I did feel my fear and I pushed through it, doing it anyway!  Nancy and her sister Leslie Whitman looked like “two people,” but they were One with God.  I know this personally…or they couldn’t have demonstrated His Love for ME without it being true.  I expressed gratitude that I could still FEEL NANCY and her love through Leslie’s heart….

            I awoke at 1 a.m. last night from a dream about Nancy.  I was standing on stage before an audience with a microphone in hand.  I was rehearsing what Nancy, Leslie, and their family had given me.  As you read above, Nancy didn’t give me a lot of “gifts wrapped with ribbons and bows.”  I was given love, hugs, nurturing, a key, a bedroom, a listening ear…gifts that are priceless.

            Coming out of the dream state, I laid in the dark and listened to my heart speak.  Getting out of bed, I got a cup of coffee and grabbed my cell phone and opened it.  Nancy’s nephew Matthew had written a text, foretelling me of a gift he sent, arriving today.  I wrote the following words:

            I woke up at 1:00 last night, having a dream about being on stage talking about Nancy.  Leslie was in the front row and affirming almost every sentence I was using to describe Nancy.  I woke up thinking how beautiful and right it would have sounded to have been able to say at her Memorial instead of what I was capable of doing in real time.  Many others that night said they wanted to speak, also, but knew they would crash like I did and not willing to do that in front of everyone.  Back to the dream…

            I explained that I can’t walk past a box of Whitman’s chocolates in a store without getting the warm fuzzies of their generational hugs.  It may have started with Nancy letting me experience them and then finding out that her relatives are ALL one in the same with THAT WHITMAN HUG.

            OH MY GOD, IF THEY COULD JUST PATENT AND BOTTLE THEIR HUGS!  (See…you guys just take it for granted cuz it IS all you have probably ever known…but for outsiders, it is SO LOVING, unique, and memorable!

            Nancy, of course, was my first experience.  She wrapped those loving momma arms around me, pulled me into her soft comfortable body, and just held me so dearly.  She used one hand to open handedly wash my broken back with such tenderness, easing the heartache each time she held me from the assaults I had been through.

            For those moments in time in her arms are my favorite memories of Nancy.  She didn’t give me physical gifts I hold dear (except for my little kid plate” in their cupboard so my food wouldn’t touch with the meals they served me) …but the important gifts she gave me were those hugs.

            Dosha hated sharing her mom’s hugs and we had to put her outside in order to get them.  Our departing hug had become a HANDSHAKE with smiles and laughter.

            Dosha decided she didn’t want Aunt Leslie to hug me any more either and growled and wanted to eat me…AND I PUT MY FOOT DOWN AND BECAME ALPHA on that one!  No more lost time on a Whitman Hug!!   Uh uh uh…you don’t get that power any longer, Dosha, cuz time has stolen more than I was willing to give.

            The dream was spectacular!  I was able to express and FEEL Barbara’s hugs, Peggy’s …you and your family and I am just so grateful that ya’ll left one of you WHITMAN’S BEHIND FOR ME TO HAVE AND TO HOLD…AND TO BE HELD BY.

            I imagine this speech was heard by Nancy and her parents in the ethers, to let them know that their “apples didn’t fall far from the tree.”

            My goal/bucket list would be to meet Elaine and all the rest of your kin.  Inquiring minds just want to know if every single one of you have that same touch?

            Have a great day, knowing you are all VERY MUCH LOVED AND APPRECIATED!!!  Merry Christmas Whitman family!  And happy, Happy, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  Ooxx

            For this new, exciting, prosperous New Year 2023 that we are around the corner from, let’s learn from the WHITMAN family HOW TO HUG.  Can you imagine Jesus being stiff and stand-offish when He holds out His arms to hug you?  NO!  He would open His arms wide to receive you.  He would place those tender arms around you and pull you close to His chest and pure heart.  You would be so close; you couldn’t tell the difference if it was His heart beating…or yours?  Or were they actually ONE?! 

            Hugs weren’t created to be a “hit & run quick exchange,” stiff, or unfeeling.  They are a biological need for humans for the touch, the sense that someone cares, and an energy exchange of God on the scene.  Relax in one another’s arms, give yourselves enough time to climb right inside each other’s hearts.  When you experience this firsthand, you will know exactly what I am describing as a WHITMAN HUG.  If you can’t afford to buy someone a gift this year, give a HUG.

            During this holiday season, I am praying that you know deep in your heart that God will protect you, comfort you, and give you peace.  He will listen to you, strengthen you, and carry you because He loves you so much.  Open your eyes and heart to receive Him through the next person He puts in front of you and opens their arms to give you a hug.

            In honor of Nancy and Leslie’s relative Jeremiah Whitman, I have chosen the following inspirational message to end today’s column: 

Jeremiah 31:3 NIV:

I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

            This simple, but profound sentence identifies the Whitman Hug and family lineage, they are absolutely Love/God in Action.

            Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .

…Now and always,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”)