
I noticed recently, that I am tremendously content. I just finished writing my 18th book.  I look forward to the day when the book, “Between Saint & Sinner” that Linda K. (Nikki) Fudge and I wrote, together.  It was written while she was incarcerated.  The reader, of this title, would find a “twist,” in this writing, however. Most titles of this nature relate an experience of a “Saint saving a Sinner.” In this book, the opposite is true.  You, who find my books helpful…would discover that, without Nikki Fudge, I would have never  have become who I am today.

In a workshop, following Nikki’s release from prison and joining me to teach across the nation, she made a statement before a Boise, Idaho audience that I, still to this day, hold close to my heart. “Everyone turns to Gloria for help – but, it took her…finding an ex-heroin junkie, in prison, to find someone who would listen to her.” She spoke the truth.  When countless people thank me for being the “instrument to save their life,” I wonder, “Did Nikki know that she saved mine?”

I don’t know if a publisher will ever give me the opportunity to make this fact known, (by publishing “Between Saint & Sinner,”) therefore, I’m making it known today HOW IMPORTANT SHE WAS NOT ONLY IN MY LIFE, BUT YOURS…IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN HELPED THROUGH MY WRITINGS. Nikki Fudge deserves the true credit, even if it’s only stated on this webpage.

I am choosing to download a “Personalized Fairytale” once a month for your enjoyment.  All my tales are written, concerning real people, true experiences, dreams, visions, revelations, and modern-day miracle stories.

My spiritual awakening revealed a gift, besides healing, in my beginning years.  I realized that if I met or listened to someone with a problem, a “title” would appear in my thoughts. If I wrote the title down, an entire “personalized” tale would follow, without effort. I soon found myself getting creative, using watercolor parchment and painting a rainbow, allowing it to dry, and typing the tale for the individual. Framed, they became beautiful gifts, expressed as I wrote each with the emotion I felt for…or as the individual spoke.

My first fairytale book, for adults, “To Become as Little Children” unknowingly began in September, 1986 when I was trying desperately to find a wedding gift for friends. The shopping had turned to frustration and anxiety because all I found was either too big, not enough sentiment to show my love, or too impractical (even if it was pretty.)  Hours were spent in the hustle and bustle, only to return empty-handed and broken hearted because that special gift couldn’t be found.

In silence, the voice of my soul said, “It’s not what you give, but how you give it.  It doesn’t have to carry an expensive label or tag to allow the receiver knowledge of how much you want them to “have only the best.” Any gift given, from the heart and with love, is more priceless than any tangible object you could purchase.”

Give of yourself,my soul continued to guide, “It can’t be written in a “gifts received section,” but it will be written indelibly in their hearts that it’s the greatest gift you can give.”

Since that time, I have written scores of (personalized) fairytales and poetry – typing, framing, and giving them as gifts to friends, family, children, celebrities, and strangers. I have never called myself a literary giant and I’m not saying anything that’s never been said before. However, I discovered that the tales helped many on a personal level. I convinced myself that they should be compiled and that they could help many others.

While Nikki was illustrating “To Become as Little Children,” behind prison walls, she related the following in one of her letters:  “Inmates gather, together, and we read one tale at a time. It seems we can only handle one per reading because we cry, process our pain, and heal through these tales.” To you, perhaps you’ll become aware of these Divine messages and incorporate them in your current situations and find the same peace.

Throughout my life, I have been described as an innocent Pollyanna-type and countless people have gossiped and wondered if I’d ever grow up. If, acting my age, means that I must conform to a group of misguided souls who are full of cynicism and social acceptance believes this “to be adult,” I’ll label myself, with pride, … I’m a child at heart.

I believe the “story behind the story” is miraculous in itself. In those cases, I will relate this, as well. When possible, I will follow up with the effects of the tale and the individual’s life, as well.

Hundreds-upon-hundreds and perhaps even into the thousands…I have written endless numbers of fairytales. Although I may never have another opportunity to be published, you and I are not limited, because…with modern technology, beginning here and now…you can enjoy some TALES FROM THE LIGHT SIDE



Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias: Dr. Glo-bug – Just here TO LIGHTEN THINGS UP!)