Happy Days Are Here Again







            Greetings from “Big Sky Country!”

            Following the death of my beloved, Kirk, in 2006, I fell down “The Rabbit Hole.”  It was as if someone pulled the rug out beneath me.  I saw only darkness.  I lost my mind.  I learned lessons about this planet and its life forms, that, until now, I didn’t know existed.

            As a spiritual healer and overly optimistic individual, I lived “in love” at all times.  Once I fell down “The Rabbit Hole,” I was in complete shock of the world as most know it on a daily basis.  In complaining one day, to a friend, she said, “Welcome to planet earth, Gloria.  You’ve known the darkness for a few years?  Hell, you’re just a rookie – most of us have known it our entire lives.”

            I’d always thought of myself as compassionate.  As a minister, I thought I understood grief.  NOW I KNOW THE TRUE MEANING OF THESE WORDS.

            But, I see the light again.  Miracles are happening.  My energy is back up…in fact, it is increased in strength.  My enthusiasm, for life, is back.

            I imagine myself speaking again.  For you, my first audience in many years, I’m going to ask you to turn to your neighbor and smile.  I want you to hold out an imaginary mirror before you.  Look into it and smile.  Look into the mirror and express a surprised look.  Now, change your facial features to appear angry.  Smile again, and again, and again.

            For a time, I stood in front of the mirror and practiced my “faces” that I could show to the public when I went to the store to get groceries.  Our small town knew how sad I was, but I didn’t want to appear sad.

            I practiced smiling.  I practiced how it felt on my face and made a conscious effort to appear happy when I was amongst others.

            I no longer need to pretend. 

            My youngest daughter, Danielle, recently said, “Mom, I’m so happy to see you genuinely smiling for the first time since Dad died.”

            My friends hear strength and confidence in my voice again.

            I took a “temporary time out” and lived in Sequim, Washington for seven months last year.  While there, I re-wrote, “As God Is My Witness” and it is being prepared to go to press.  Though this book was written in 1992, I never promoted it or attempted to get it into the public’s hands. 

            This writing is putting God on trial for seven crimes against humanity.  He has asked me to be His defender and demonstrate and prove His innocence.  It’s ironic; in its present published form…it only made it behind prison walls. 

            As one of three authors, chosen nationwide (by the Justice Department,) three of my titles were accepted as tools to be used for Anger Management and Substance Abuse classes.  “Witness” was one of them.

            I’m proud that this book has touched so many lives.  But, there are so many more who can be inspired.

            I’m glad to be feeling like Gloria, again.  I’m happy to get my website up and running and to have all of you to chat with.

            This website is the beginning of a strong foundation for all of us and I will look forward to the expanded construction and rebuilding of a place we can meet.

            I look forward to this moment.  I look forward to our future together.

            Happy days ARE here again!

            Until the next update, take care…I care…


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

(Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – just here to lighten things up!)