November 2022

Greetings and good evening from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  Hope everyone has prepared for winter.  Speaking of “Hope,” I have been handing some out freely to those who are looking weary, frightened, or overwhelmed.  Being inspired a few weeks ago, I ventured into (yet) another eccentric creative project.  Using bags of over-sized plastic Easter eggs, I filled them with an individually wrapped Fortune Cookie and wrote a variety of inspirational quotes to put one in each to uplift people who cross my path.

            Examples:  Miracle Healing Ministry/Dr. Gloria D. Benish, (Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”) here in Stevensville, wishes you HOPE and great fortune:

            HOPE (noun): 

            The feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.

            (verb):  To look “forward to” with desire and reasonable confidence.


Miracle Healing Ministry/Dr. Gloria D. Benish, (Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”) here in Stevensville, wishes you HOPE and great fortune:

            HOPE:  (noun)  The belief that anything is possible, the only thing stronger than fear, deep-rooted faith.


Miracle Healing Ministry/Dr. Gloria D. Benish, (Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”) here in Stevensville, wishes you HOPE and great fortune:

            HOPE:  The difference between hanging on and not giving up, a glimmer of sunshine in the wake of a storm, the best is yet to come.


            Every day is an opportunity to assist humanity in my belief.  It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or time, just willingness to be of service to our beloved.  Life on planet earth is difficult, at best, right now.  Even for us spiritual folk from time to time as I will refer to later in this column.

            Beginning at the start of October, my birthday was on October 5th.   Twenty-seven years ago on that day, LuAnn Stallcop took me (and my gifts) public.  Until then, no one had even heard about me.  The ripple effect of that evening so long ago still has an impact on others in the now and I will be forever grateful.

            At a local meeting in my home a couple weeks ago, I had a new gentleman arrive for our little spiritual gathering.  In drawing information out of him, he revealed that he just celebrated his 68th birthday.  In a playful tone, I related that I had just celebrated my birthday, as well – and added, “And so far, I really like being 69.”  Pointing to my head, I said in a silly statement, “But I still feel and believe I’m 17!”   He giggled quietly and surprised us all by saying, “When I was 17, I liked 69, also!”  I watched the reaction of the other guests to see if his statement was a little too raw for them…but you could tell they much more appreciated him “being real” than finding any offense to his comment.

Our monthly gathering that day was an incredible experience, unlike any other meeting we have had.  Prior to the actual gathering, I received a call from a member, relating she would be unable to attend due to severe pain.  I offered to do “love-light” across the miles and mentioned that if she would agree to come, I would open myself to be used for a spiritual healing prior to the group arriving.  She agreed to do so

            For three days this past week, I painted and prepared a gathering room here in my home for our members to gather in during autumn and winter.  The woman arrived and I took her into this warm inviting relaxed atmosphere and provided an instantaneous healing from all her discomfort, up to and including pain from a broken foot many years earlier.  I could hear people arriving, but had left another member to welcome them as they arrived.  INSTANTANEOUS MIRACLE #1 

            Completing the healing, I opened the meeting with introductions of a new guest.  Each member spoke briefly to introduce themselves.  I gave updates that I had recently received and the conversations flowed comfortably amongst the group.  I also introduced the idea that twice a month, I will have “game night” here at my home.  I have created an Inspirational Board Game that helps people trust their intuition and insights, builds bonds with family and friends, uplifts, and offers Divine Guidance.  By giving people a wholesome atmosphere to take time to play together and feel loved, our members welcome the opportunity to do so.  We also discussed meeting twice a month, rather than only once.  Those who couldn’t join us today, but wanted to, will have another opportunity rather than waiting an entire month to participate.

            I also offered the availability of this room to these members, to use their gifts to help others for teaching, training, or workshops.  They are excited to do so, in order to reach out to the community of those in need.  This is all very exciting!

            Several of our members (myself included) have died and returned.  The conversation began with one and then another about their personal experiences.  I happened to mention that I empathically felt a child shot and killed in a Brazil school shooting and was stunned that there was NO PAIN when it occurred.  The bullet going in the front of the boy’s head and exiting through the left back lower skull made the body jerk violently throughout in an instant, but with no physical pain.

            One of our members got up from her seat and walked out of the room.  I assumed she was going to the restroom.  A second member was following her, which seemed odd, so I too followed her to my driveway.  She was standing there crying and softly explained through her tears that her 19-year-old son had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in front of her.  I apologized for what I had spoken inside, so sorry that I had triggered her pain.

            I offered her a healing hug and she said, “No, that’s okay…I’m fine.”  I replied, “Sweetheart, you aren’t fine – I can feel a deep-rooted sob in your lower gut.” 

            “Give me a hug and don’t let go until I tell you,” I stated and she complied.  She was much taller than me and the hug for me was difficult to hold her.  I asked her to follow me to my front porch step so I could stand up one step taller to hold her in my arms.  She resisted, embarrassed the neighbors would see and I squelched her fear by saying, “My neighbors are used to seeing me do this with the public.”  She released her fear and fell into my arms with relief as I said once again, “Give me a hug and don’t let go until I tell you.”  As I held her in my arms, she cried.  Within minutes, I FELT the release and knew she was relieved of the heartache finally and would be able to speak of this experience with no further emotional attachment.  We re-entered the home together and re-joined the meeting.   INSTANTANEOUS MIRACLE #2

            A conversation was in full swing with a male member explaining spiritual activity of becoming the “Bride of Christ” in Holy Oneness and had captivated everyone’s attention.  The entire flow of the Holy Spirit brought each member closer.

As this discussion ended, the woman who had walked away from the group now felt SAFE to share the entire reason she walked out and the experience, re-telling in DETAIL, but with no tears or emotional charge.  She now knew she would be of assistance to help others more effectively in dealing with the issue of suicide and loss.  Amazing.  Simply AMAZING GRACE!

            Spontaneously, from hearing her story, another member opened up and talked about her mother abusing her during childhood and the many harsh and violent things she experienced.  Sobbing as she rehearsed her painful childhood, I walked over to her and asked her to stand and turn with her back so the members couldn’t see her crying as I held her.  In safety being in my arms, she cried a river of tears.  Trying to release from the hug sooner than I wanted her to, I asked her to not let go until I told her.  The incredible amount of heat (excess electricity in her head) needed to be transmuted.  Within minutes, she too was re-balanced and healed.  INSTANTANEOUIS MIRACLE #3

            I happened to look over at our newest member, sensing that he was feeling awkward about so many tears.  I approached and sat next to him, leaned in and whispered, “Our group isn’t usually like this.  Generally, we are discussing intel … I hope this isn’t making you feel uncomfortable today.”  I had taken his right hand in mine and using my left hand, I was drawn to his upper left shoulder, which was blazing hot – an imbalance in his energy field – filled with pain.  I began automatically doing a soft figure eight, open-handed wash in that area, relieving his discomfort.  INSTANTANEOUS MIRACLE #4

            I realized I had never even asked if he wanted my help and questioned, “Do you mind if I am fondling your back?”  He replied, “Not at all.”  Again, I asked if this was overwhelming him and he replied that he was raised in a Pentecostal church and he was completely comfortable witnessing laying-on-of-hands, supernatural etc.

            Another member who has been caretaking an extremely ill sister, who is overwhelmed and feeling run-down approached and asked me to do love-light on her, as well.  She was concerned that the stress was going to make her ill, as well … so I placed my hands on her and beefed up her energy field.  Immediately following, she walked over and held another member who was weeping, giving comfort.  INSTANTANEOUIS MIRACLE #5

            As a group, offering a gathering from 2-4 p.m., found ourselves at 3:50 p.m. and I hadn’t even fed them.  I explained that by becoming members of the spiritually-based Connecting Consciousness Organization, it had provided this opportunity to meet, to find one another, and to keep ourselves strong to be available to others through this dark night of the soul for our loved ones.  We each felt blessed, sat at my table to enjoy a meal made with loving hands, and followed with dessert.  In this safe environment, a mini-version of the humanitarian project I applied for as Mother Hope’s House or the Spiritual Boot Kamp proved the success of how I choose to serve God and humanity.  These members on that day were well-wishers, hoping that the project I applied for gets chosen and each offered to help in any way possible to make it a reality for others.

            At 5:15, we said our good-byes and love you’s, each looking forward to our next gathering.

            I hope the recap of this meeting provided you with a warm feeling of excitement that these kinds of groups will never get boring and each of you should consider beginning one in your area.  Each gathering is different and it’s interesting how everyone who needs to be present for whatever will occur is perfect and divinely decreed for the highest good of everyone.

            Earlier in this article, I explained that life right now is even difficult for us spiritually-minded folk.  My editor on the East Coast texted last night and asked if I had time to talk.  I related that I wasn’t in a very good mood and another time may be better for me.  She was stunned that I experience human feelings.  I assured her that I am still human and can have “bumps in the road” like anyone else.

            I recently had someone help themselves to two of my favorite patriotic sweatshirts.  Long story short, I called them out on it to return them and apologize.  I explained, “At this stage of humanity’s evolution, all darkness is being brought to the light.  Now is not the time to be an asshole.”  In the past generations, deceit and corruption could lie dormant and not be discovered.  Things are changing on our planet and there is HOPE.

            I let these two individuals (who “borrowed my things without permission”) know that I may appear meek (or a doormat,) but I can still put on the full Armor of God and come out blazing, mouthy and hurtful.  However, although I don’t like confrontation, it is a conscious choice to handle my feelings in a spiritual manner.  The loss of physical sweatshirts is not the issue.  My anger stems from what they stand for in my walk with God for this nation.  Can I live without them?  Yes.  Could I go on-line and purchase something similar myself?  Yes.  Do I want to?  No.

            Can I live without these individuals?  Yes.  I have lost Kirk, my mom and dad, Nikki, and my pets Patch and Baby.  I survived these losses, as well as being raped violently.  If I can’t trust the very people who say they want to be part of a healing center for humanity – or even a small ministry in my home, WTF?!

            I explained that the Collective Consciousness needs to be healed of these issues.  Can we take a material sense into the Kingdom of Heaven (spiritual consciousness)?  No.

            I have been judged because I live in a glass house and my entire life is in book form.  Some “friends” state that they fear lack of privacy with me.  I change names, accordingly, if there are sensitive issues that would embarrass people, but I relate the spiritual lesson in order to teach others.  I am setting an example for humanity and question, “If they have something to hide – why not heal it, or better yet, why do they even want to be around me if they are paranoid, that I might reveal their shortcomings?  Heck, I have enough of my own…I don’t need to borrow anyone else’s.

            A dear friend texted me this week, volunteering that while helping his son – he kept prodding him and telling him he should be doing better.  Rather than bonking him on the head or telling him he was wrong, I responded with unsolicited advice:

            People KNOW WHEN THEY AREN’T DOING THEIR BEST.  Rather than prodding, try encouraging instead.  They already know they are falling short of the mark and don’t take kindly to being reminded of it.

            Encourage – don’t discourage people more than they already are.  Take the time to uplift one another.   As I said in the beginning of this article, it doesn’t take a lot of time or money.  If you have a few extra seconds in line at a grocery store, be kind, offer a compliment freely.  Tell people how much you love and appreciate them.  Love is the highest frequency.  Every kindness ripples much further than you can even see or fathom. 

            An overly-stressed mother in a store, wrestling three children literally almost collapsed with relief when I commented, “Mother’s can do anything…you are amazing handling three of them while you are shopping.”

            A teenager, not hearing compliments at home of anything he/she is doing right – and only hears everything a parent is disappointed in can snap and not give a crap (which rhymes!), turning to a gang or drugs to relieve their stress.

            A man receiving a compliment may go home and not shoot himself following a genuine loving compliment that he is making a difference in his family’s life.

            As a growing humanity, being stretched beyond our capacity, we must remember we are always doing the best we can with the awareness we have.  We do better as we know better.

            Take the time, make a difference in the lives of loved ones and strangers – not because of karma, but because you can do it.

            Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .


Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.