February 2023

Greetings and good morning from the beautiful Bitterroot Valley!  I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and looking forward into our New Year 2023!  For some, you may wonder what just hit you and can only take things in stride, staying in the moment as best you can.  But we do know when coal is compressed, it turns into diamonds.  At least if you are Superman!  It is difficult sometimes to discover the gem in the pile of poop that life hands you.

            I am taking you on a journey with me today and trusting you will see the cup half full, rather than half empty.

            A few days before Christmas, I received a text from my ex-daughter-in-law in Helena.  She and my son may have divorced, but that didn’t change my view as her still being my daughter.  The text read that she had a serious skiing accident and was in the hospital, awaiting surgery.  She has two daughters and is an amazing single mommy.

            Her “real” parents are both deceased, a sibling brother in another state (unable to help), and a grandmother who is incapacitated to be of service.  As I sat in my warm home, surrounded with peaceful pretty Christmas decorations, I began to lose my sense of peace.  Like many others, those “last minute details of being Santa,” the wrapping, prep for a holiday meal to hold dear the sentiment of the season for a family – I got lost in desperation of wanting to help Tiffany. 

With horrid storms and black ice…plus trying to scale the McDonald Pass to get to her without snow tires, I struggled.  (I am one of “those people” who have no right to be on the road in inclement weather.  I don’t purchase snow tires ON PURPOSE to keep me inbound and not a risk to others on the road.  Age delivered me to this point.  In my youth, I was fearless.  Now I have some sense!  It’s called “Common,” but has been seen less and less since 2020!)

            The thought of her coming out of surgery without someone loving her, sitting at her side when she awoke, made me want to just sit and cry.  Synchronicities began appearing in so many ways, I would have had to have been a complete fool to not recognize them.  You are aware that I got hired by Connecting Consciousness last July as an Event Host and that I hold monthly gatherings for spiritual servants to mankind.  I had just had an Event Host Zoom meeting prior to the text from Tiffany. 

A new service with members had been created, “Me Being You.”  It began in another country and our Creator of the global group hoped it could spread to every country.  Beginning here in the United States – and in the state of Montana – the service began.

The premise of this new thoughtful venture of working united for one another blazed a new trail for me.  If I can’t “be there” to be helpful to a friend or loved one, we have members (possibly) in that area to do it for us.  I called our Montana Coordinator in Great Falls and asked if we had a member in Helena who could be me, to get a Christmas dinner to Tiffany and my two granddaughters.  She (Ruth) responded that CC has a member ten miles away and would set things in motion.  Bless her heart, Cathy (Event Host for her area) agreed to do so.  A trip to Costco with groceries easy enough for my granddaughter to heat and varieties of helpful items were delivered to the doorstep of my loved ones.  A knot in my throat and tears in my eyes a month later…I can’t find words to say how much appreciation I felt (and still feel) for Cathy stepping up to the plate (no  pun intended.)  I wrote her a heartfelt letter of gratitude and offered to send her a check in reimbursement for her gas and expenses and she politely declined. 

At the most loving time of the year – I received such a beautiful gift from another CC member!  It meant the world to me for someone to “have eyes on” with my family in need when I couldn’t possibly be there for them any other way.

At the same time, I received a telephone call from a sweet homeless friend in Oregon.  I told her about this new program we are waking up in Montana and she is already a member of CC.  She made a call to the Coordinator in her area and was provided a comfortable, beautiful warm shelter and donations for gas to get to them.  What a lovely inspirational concept to do for one another.

I would encourage anyone to go to www.connectingconsciousness.com and sign up as a new member, whether you are the one in need – or the one who would like to join with “like-minded folk” or would be interested in volunteering to be of service for someone in need in your area.  There is no fee to become a member, it just takes a willing loving heart to become involved.

Last late summer, two of my local friends had a dear one coming to the Bitterroot Valley to visit.  I was invited to join them at dinner.  At the threshold of the restaurant, Roger opened his arms to give me a hug and state how happy he was to meet me, he’d heard a great deal about me.  We enjoyed our dinner and us two characters connected, talking as if these two ladies weren’t present.  At the end of the meal and in saying goodbye, he offered to hug me.  As we embraced, now a second time, I recall that it had a feel of such comfort.  (Last month’s column was written about the gifts of a hug and their importance.)

I am 4’11” and though I hug everyone…not all of them are comfortable to me to hold “normal size people.”  On tippy toes and arching my back – unless I have a foot stool to reach them comfortably, hugs are not always easy for me to reach and enjoy, too.  But Roger is 5’4 ¼” and it felt so good to me.  In fact, as we parted from the hug…my greed set in and I asked for “seconds.”  Politely, he agreed.  Off he drove to continue on to his destination in Idaho.

I teasingly stated, “Oh my God!  He would be SO FUN to dance with! “Someone just my size.  On the walk back to my home, my girlfriend said, “Oh my God – what have we done?!  Although, you two are really cute together…….”

On December 30th, I received a text from Roger for the first time.  Months had passed .and he had returned to the Root.  He had a request, inviting me to go on a walk with him and his dog, Willie.  I declined.  “Maybe in the spring thaw…but, no.”  I countered his request, “Feel free to stop by my home and have coffee to visit.”  He responded by asking me out to lunch instead.  Along the way, I had him stop to look at a property I am seriously interested in if I am one of 30,000 requests for Humanitarian Projects approved globally through CC.  I shared my dream with him for the plans I have to make MOTHER HOPE’S HOUSE a reality to share with humanity coming to the “Most Loving Place on Earth” to be healed, nurtured, and loved more than they have ever experienced in their lives.

On New Year’s Eve, I had plans to spend with my friend Leslie who had just lost her sister Nancy in December.  From experience, I know all-too-well how it feels to be celebrating holidays alone.  I was looking forward to watching chick flix, eating popcorn and snack-attacks until midnight with Leslie.  The weather had cleared and it would only be a two hour drive for me to get to Helena to stay with Tiffany to be of service to her and the girls.

When we “wait upon the Lord,” and do things His way – in present moment, getting inspiration and motivation simultaneously, the doors open, and everything comes together perfectly.

Upon my arrival with a van loaded for bear with food, I was a sight-for-sore eyes for little Miss 11 year old Kallie who had the chore of doing dishes for her momma until I got there.  I let her know right up front, “I am taking over the kitchen.  I will do all the cooking and dishes.”  Pure relief was on her face and verbal gratitude.  I did, however, let her and my 14 year old granddaughter Ayriana know that I had brought two cookbooks with me.  I wanted them to each go through the books and pick out five recipes that sounded good to them.  Easy 5 ingredient recipes were soon going to be learned to take over after I left to continue to be helpful to momma.  I would oversee their cooking while still there in order for them to gain confidence to do this when I left.

High stress filled the home.  Any little disagreement led to actual hitting, slapping, punching, and kicking between the girls.  I wasn’t comfortable with their behavior, but nor am I going to go anywhere to be of service and think I am there to change the way they live.  That isn’t “my rock/responsibility to carry.”  But as a member of the family, as an elder, I am on this planet to correct without judging or berating.

Following one of their arguments, I asked Kallie, “Would you haul off and punch a friend of yours at school the way you just hit your sister?”

“No,” she replied.  I asked her why?  She responded that the girl wouldn’t want to be her friend any longer.  “Correct,” I answered.

I explained to the girls that one of the projects that I created on the planet was called “The Global 8 Prayer/Peace Movement” to end rape and abuse in this generation.”  I also declared, “Now, how much credibility would I have as the creator of this project if I am out telling people to STOP THE HATE/PRAY THE GLOBAL 8 and have my own loved ones continue to be abusive to one another?”  The answer is easy enough………

I continued to explain how abuse dominoes in our lives if we don’t correct our behavior.  I said, “It WON’T BE LONG and you are both going to start dating.  Let’s say you have a boyfriend, he says or does something you don’t appreciate and you haul off and hit, punch, kick, or slap him.  He may have been told not to hit girls – but it also happens that sometimes people just REACT and follow the same behavior that was delivered.  Do you want to take the chance that some guy is going to knock-you-into-tomorrow, following your lead of disrespect?

“No,” they each responded.

Driving the point home, I had to ask one last question, “Let’s say you get married and still have this behavior towards others.  You don’t realize at your age and it feels like a lifetime away before you marry.  But just for now – LET’S SEE OURSELVES DOWN THE ROAD AND MARRIED, MAYBE EVEN HAVING CHILDREN.  Would you want to be in a relationship of domestic violence, frightened for yourself or your kids being hurt by these behaviors?”

“No,” they each quickly replied.

Sigh.  “Then, I think we all agree to begin immediately to change how we react to feelings of frustration and anger because if you two continue to have energy to fight, a bathroom needs cleaned, snow to be shoveled, cat box to clean, a kitchen floor to be mopped, and laundry to fold and put away.  We will begin today to keep this home loving and peaceful to help momma heal faster,” I finalized.  Benish Law.

We only had one OOPS following the new guidelines.  Being a person of my word, each girl had to do an immediate chore before they could go to bed.

Such loving behavior began.  I made chocolate chip cookies one afternoon to have the house smelling homey when they walked in after school.  I had saved a small portion of the cookie dough for Kallie as a surprise, hearing how much she loved it.  When I told her, she said, “I think I’ll put it in the fridge for Ayriana to enjoy.”  My heart was touched……

Daily, I received pure appreciation from all three of them.  The girls thanked me kindly for cooking.  I was appreciated for driving them to school activities and appointments.  Tiffany was thoroughly touched that I would come and be of such service, saying, “I couldn’t have done this without you, Gloria.”  My response was, “There is nowhere I would rather be, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

Upon my arrival, I had mentioned to Tiffany that we as a humanity need to pay attention to the actions of others, rather than words.  Anyone can say, “I love you” or “I’ll be there for you,” and when the going gets rough…they are nowhere to be found.  Sometimes it takes more energy to keep someone in your life than to just let them go.  I choose to walk my talk.

While in Helena, it was just geography.  I just do what I do no matter where I am.  I am just me.  Before I began today’s column, I was thinking, “I don’t know if I have anything even important for a reader to hear.”  I quieted myself and asked the Holy Spirit to open my inner listening ear to receive the Word and Will of God to be put to print because I live by every Word that proceeds out of His mouth.  Humanly, I don’t know diddly, but there is a Divine Mind within me and I acknowledge it and follow the inner lead.  It tends to impress me constantly!

While in Helena, I received a text from Roger asking permission if he could drive to Helena to take me to lunch and give me a break from being Tiffany’s “beck n call Granny B?”  I asked Tiffany if I could be excused for a couple hours if I prepared everything she might need in my absence, and of course, she encouraged me to go and enjoy myself.  Roger drove three hours, one direction, to spend quality time together.  He and I can talk for hours, it seems, and still desiring more.  He asked two days later if he could return to Helena for another lunch date, once again driving three hours one direction to do so.  Yes…was the answer. 

Only days into my arrival in Helena, the power went out during the night.  It fried the Mother Board of Tiffany’s ancient furnace.  When Roger heard of our plight, he texted me to find a motel of our choosing, rent two rooms, and have the desk clerk call him to pick up the tab.  What a sweet offer, but Tiffany was in no shape to be moved out of the home.  The thought of doing so was overwhelming with pets, a house that could freeze, and the effort of getting her and two girls packed to leave the dwelling.  I thanked him kindly and said, “We are women – hear us roar!”  He countered with, “You can roar tomorrow, I can’t bear thinking that you all will be cold.”

With the generosity of friends, they delivered five space heaters and we were all toasty warm.  Following the weekend, a serviceman came out and installed a used Mother Board, affordable for Tiffany, and a most blessed conclusion.

Before I left Tiffany’s home, she expressed such sadness in all this happening.  She is with the National Guards and was expecting to be deployed out of the country for a year.  I had agreed to keep my blood-born granddaughter, Ayriana and Kallie’s “real” grandparents would keep her in Helena.  With this “glitch in the Matrix,” now with recovery, Tiffany was disappointed that she night not have this experience of deployment which would then provide retirement benefits through the Guards.

I explained to her that we are living in a whacky world of corruption, lies, and deceit on every level being brought to disclosure as it comes to light.  “IF” her soul needed to experience a broken leg, denying the ability to be deployed, it would be for her highest good.  As far as worrying about not getting “retirement,” she needed to become aware that God has a better Plan in store for her than she could have ever conceived.  Good or bad, who’s to say?

I am home for only five days here in the Root to pay bills, write this column, have my CC gathering and return on Monday to Helena.  Her MRI results came back yesterday and it disclosed that she has a herniated disk and surgery on her back is being planned (with an 8 week recovery time.)  Until further notice, my residence will be in Helena until I can witness weight bearing/driving again/recovery from back surgery.  As I said, there is nowhere I would rather be to be of service.

I received word that the last block to the Quantum Financial System just got removed, which opens the way for the Humanitarian Projects.  I am hoping to hear any time now that I am one of them who has been chosen.  I would love nothing more than to expand and give YOU the opportunity to come to MOTHER HOPE’S HOUSE and feel loved more than you have ever felt in your life.  I want to teach you HOW TO GO WITHIN and allow life to happen for you, not “TO YOU.”

In my usual wordiness way, I have to end today’s column with explanation of something I heard Directly from God a year ago.  “Roger is your third priority.”  You know how it is in the Bible?  There can be a statement – and then a seeming contradiction?  God uses the EXACT word that can be experienced from a spiritual standpoint – AND – from a material/earthly standpoint.

When I heard Him say these words, I was waiting for a “green light” whether I should marry a local man named Roger.  When I heard he was my “third priority,” I took it to mean that I had to place God first, “whatever would be the second priority/a spiritual center?” and the man, himself, would be third on my list of things to do.

In Helena, my perspective shifted.  I have been a widow for 17 years, never coming close to marrying again.  The previous proposal turned out to not be a consideration.  Who would have thought (except God) that he would send another guy by the same name?   If he is to be my “third priority,” I take it to mean as a mate whom I would place him first in all that I do.  It could very well be a possibility with this kind, caring, loving thoughtful, supportive man.  Only time and actions (not words) will tell….

I did, however, arrive home and my double driveway was cleared of all ice and snow for my upcoming gathering (without asking or even suggesting) and there were two dozen long-stemmed roses here for me.

For someone who didn’t know if I had anything of importance to say today, I hope you are inspired somewhere in all those words!  I give thanks that I am given this opportunity to share my love with you across the miles.

Until next month, take care . . . I care . . .

Sincerely and respectfully submitted,

Gloria D. Benish, Ph.D.

Alias:  Dr. Glo-bug – Just here “to lighten things up”